Internship Entry 2

Nelson Daniel Agyei-Odame

Journal Entry Two


My role as an intern for this company can be described as a “Communication Designer/Editor.” My responsibilities as a Communication Designer/Editor is to create client cards of the photographers works so that they quickly view what kind of photography they would want from the company. I was fortunate enough to be selected for this internship because shortly after my internship opportunity at my job Urban Outfitters, didn’t work out I needed to find something else, so I emailed Scott Buchheit after doing some research of his company Artwing. I found out about Artwing through the list provided by professor Nicolaou. After emailing him and sending my resume he responded saying he would like to meet for an interview. When I met with Scott Buchheit he told me a lot about the company and all the things I would be doing as an intern for his company. During the interview he asked me about the software I was familiar with and the kind of things I knew how to do. I only had one interview where he told me I got the position and that I would start the following week.