Category: Uncategorized

Poster: Fatherlessness


For this assignment we were asked to design a poster about a concerning issue. The issue I chose was fatherlessness. It’s strange that I can say that I’m fortunate enough to have my father as an active participant in my life. But often times I wonder who I would be without his guidance. The poster imitates a child’s drawing because fatherlessness is most detrimental to a child’s development. The child does not have a face because he does not know his father and in turn, does not know himself.

Logo & Banner


Black and White.


I chose a moth as my logo simply because I like moths. There isn’t any profound meaning behind this choice. And I don’t think there needs to be. Ironically, the colors I chose do. They’re colors I associate with VHS cassette tapes. They evoke a feeling of nostalgia. A yearning for a simpler time which is reflected in the minimalistic design. The letter D is mirrored in the middle, representing my initials, DD, and maintaining balance.



I chose space for my banner simply because I like space. There isn’t any profound meaning behind this choice. And I don’t think there needs to be. The chaos compliments the simplicity of my logo.


My name is Dorian Douglas.

I don’t like writing about myself. I’m never sure what to say.

I was born September 29, 1996. I live with my grandmother, mother and brother in Brooklyn, NY. I am an undergraduate attending the New York City College of Technology and pursuing a Bachelor’s in Communication Design. I want to be a character designer/animator.

I’ve been drawing since I was very young. Mostly anime, manga and comics. I’ve always liked immersing myself in these new worlds. I also appreciate their ability to explore complex ideas despite predominately being targeted towards children. As I’ve grown, so have my sensibilities as an artist. And I’ve discovered that I enjoy drawing people.

Drawing makes me happy. There’s an indescribable feeling. And my hope is to share that feeling with people through my art.