Field Trip!!

On September 22nd, 2014 our class took a trip to the Centre for Book Arts and the Rubin Museum. I think we were in the Lower East Side in Manhattan, though I’m not exactly sure. The trip was a very nice experience because we got to see what we’ve begun learning in class such as  ambiguity.

The Centre for Book Arts was fascinating as I’ve now seen how books are put together. Though it’s own exhibit was smaller, there were some interesting things to see such as what looked like a sculpture of a woman’s dress. As a joke I remember thinking to myself, “it looks like a giant Oreo stacked up”. During the speech about book binding I saw how much complicated it was to print things onto paper and I don’t think I would’ve had the patience to go through every individual letter just to write something into a poster. It made me grateful to printing from an ink printer and how easy it is now  than it was in the past.

I'm not sure what to make of this, but it reminds me of a woman in a dress.

I’m not sure what to make of this, but it reminds me of a woman in a dress.

The Rubin Museum is another story. Though a bit of a walk from the Centre for Book Arts, it too had great pieces of artwork to show. The museum had a variety of paintings that were… phallic shaped and in detail. A little unusual in my opinion but nonetheless very nicely done. Very stable as well, and no ambiguity to question of. Other than the phallic shaped paintings, I saw a particular one that showed what looked like a sci-fi prop. It was standing on its own legs and it liked like it could walk if given the means. Outside of the art, the building itself is very nicely built and designed especially the lobby.

I enjoyed this trip and I look forward to more trips like this in the near future.



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