Previous Employment Experiences

Dentistry at the Heights, Brooklyn, NY – Dental Assistant

 September 2015- Present

  • Competent in complete digital dental charting
  • Sufficient exposure of digital radiographs
  • General assistance during dental procedures with 4-handed dentistry
  • Manage daily meeting
  • Help administer same day dentistry by Cere Scanning
  • Adequate digital Itero impression scanning
  • Instrument maintenance via ultrasonic cleaner and autoclave.


Park Dentistry, Brooklyn, NY – Dental Assistant            

April, 2017- January, 2018

  • Scheduled patients for an upcoming appointment
  • Managed laboratory cases, and follow up with lab to ensure a timely arrival
  • Track supply use and manage supply orders

Marini and Manci Dentistry, New York, NY – Administrative Assistant

   August 2014 – September 2015

  • Developed knowledge of clinical procedures and dental terminology
  • Gathered and organized patient records
  • Obtained patient insurance benefit estimate
  • Scheduled appointments via Easy-Dental Software.