Community Service/ Outreach Activities

Johnathan Fellowship, 

A large portion of the community and different cultures beliefs on oral hygiene and dental care, are vastly different from my views and the views of many other dental professionals.

  • At this photo was taken at community service and health care informational outreach program my team and I attended. At this community service workshop, we instructed the student on the benefits of brushing and flossing daily.
  • This community service project taught me that my job is not limited to private practice and that I can help schools, businesses and people throughout all walks of life. This taught me about the various roles I have as a dental professional and how my job can impact the lives of so many people, in many different communities.
  • My role in this community service project was to explain the hazards of poor oral care, record individual plaque score and distribute learning props.
  • After instructing the students on how to properly brush we saw an immediate difference in their technique when asked to demonstrate what was taught to them.




 Shore Parkway Jewish Center

  • In this community service program, I had to exercise the different ways of communicating to a much younger crowd of patients. I learned to educate children under age 5, who otherwise would not understand the importance of oral health, by providing fun interactive videos, and hands-on activities for them to learn.
  •  My role in this community service project was to show the student what to expect when visiting the dentist. I showed them the different clothing that a dental professional would wear, along with personal protective equipment generally seen at a dental office.  I played a youtube video for the children, to get involved and learn about oral health in a positive and fun way.
  • The students showed interest in the youtube video and correctly answered all question related to the importance of visiting the dentist and ways to keep our teeth healthy.