’s Profile

61 to 72 (of 3,456)

Weekly Stand Up Meetings Project – Team #2

Jhan Martinez Leon

This project endeavors to address the issue regarding the ineffectiveness of weekly sync up meetings in both professional and educational settings.

ENG – 1121

ENG – 1121

yeremie baez

All of the writing in one place

Project 1 – Spreadsheet Data Analysis

Project 1 – Spreadsheet Data Analysis

Somia Begum

Task: Conduct an item analysis by using a pre-existing or self-generated multiple-choice assessment (limit to four [4] answer choices) related to your subject area. You should ensure you have at least five (5) […]

Course ENG 1121 portfolio

Freddy Cen Liang

Showcase my study project in ENG1121

Active Sense

Sandra Nicolas

Open to Buy Project

Portrtrait Of A Word

Portrtrait Of A Word

Freddy Cen Liang

Portrtrait Of A Word




building photography

Right to Repair Website

Right to Repair Website


Group Project for technical writing


Prof. Tatiana Voza

This page is to be used by students and faculty. It contains Open Educational Resources (OER) for the Biology II course lectures taught at City Tech.

ENG 2575 Group Project (Solar Panels)

Adrian Ramos

Website Solar Panels

Topic: Improving Customer Engagement Strategy

Mohammad Ovi

Our project aims to enhance customer engagement strategies, highlighting the importance of personalized interactions and integrating new technologies. Customer engagement involves building relationships through […]

Topic: Bad Customer Engagement, Proposal: Improving Customer Engagement Strategy

Mohammad Ovi

Our project aims to enhance customer engagement strategies, highlighting the importance of personalized interactions and integrating new technologies. Customer engagement involves building relationships through […]