’s Profile

3,457 to 3,468 (of 4,424)

ARTH1100 History of Photography Fall 2016

Sandra Cheng
Humanities|ARTH1100|Fall 2016

”A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know..” — Diane Arbus This course surveys the history of photography from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century to the p […]

ENGL1101 View From Above, FA2015

ENGL1101 View From Above, FA2015

Alan Lovegreen
English|1101|Fall 2015

This learning community pairs English Composition I with Architectural Design to provide students with an enhanced perspective on appreciating design and the built environment.

Precalculus Mat 1375

Precalculus Mat 1375

Lucie Mingla
Mathematics|Mat 1375|Spring 2014

The course Is designed to prepare students for Calculus level. The main topics are:Solving equations & inequalities involving absolute value; Functions (domain,range, sum, diff., product, quotient, Inverse, & […]

ENG 1101, D305, Fall 2015

Kara Hughes
English|ENG 1101|Fall 2015

An introduction to all phases of the writing process, including pre-writing, composition, editing, and revision. Our papers will be written in three rhetorical modes (process, narrative, and argument) and will […]

English 3401, Section E290/Law Through Literature (Fall, 2016)

C. L. Gabbard
English|3401|Fall 2016

In this section of English 3401, Law Through Literature, we will examine depictions of law in poetry, fiction, essays and drama by post-1900 writers from Great Britain and Ireland. Although our reading list for […]

ARCH1110, FA16

ARCH1110, FA16

Architectural T...


ENG 2400 Films from Literature D 562 Spring 2015

ENG 2400 Films from Literature D 562 Spring 2015

Prof. Masiello
English|ENG 2400|Spring 2015

http://websupport1.citytech.cuny.edu/Faculty/fmasiello/index.htm D550 Fridays 11:30 – 2:00 This course will allow students to examine the relationship between film and their literary sources. Through […]



Marianna Trofimova
Communication D...|COMD1100 |Spring 12016

This basic design and color theory course explores graphic communication through the understanding of the elements and principles of design, as well as the design process, including idea development through final […]


Nasreen Haque
Biological Scie...

Introduction to Biology

AFR1503 Hip Hop Worldview SP2014 – Dionne Bennett, Ph.D.

African America...|1503|Spring 2014

Hip Hop Worldview

ENG2000 Perspectives, F2013

ENG2000 Perspectives, F2013

Rebecca Mazumdar
English|2000|Fall 2013

As you can see from the College’s description of this course, Perspectives in Literature is “A study of human values in the literature of Western Culture. Readings are organized around the great themes of lit […]

GRA 1111,D314,89799

Communication D...|GRA 1111|Fall 2013

This course introduces students to core concepts in graph communication field including typography, color theory, design and production terminology,print processes, file formats and substrates.