’s Profile

1,753 to 1,764 (of 4,425)
MTEC1101-OL18 Emerging Media, Fa2020

MTEC1101-OL18 Emerging Media, Fa2020

Nisma Zaman
MTEC1101|Fall 2020

This course is an introduction to emerging, interactive multi-media technology with a focus on interdisciplinary, project-based, cooperative learning. Students will be immersed in the protocols and processes of […]

MAT1575 Calculus II Spring 2020

Kate Poirier
MAT 1575|Spring 2020

A continuation of MAT 1475. Topics include Taylor polynomials, Mean Value Theorem, Taylor and Maclaurin series, tests of convergence, techniques of integration, improper integrals, areas, volumes and arc […]

MAT1190 Section OL37, Spring 2021


Quantitative Reasoning

COMD1162 Raster & Vector, Fall 2020

COMD1162 Raster & Vector, Fall 2020

Maureen Neuringer
COMD 1162|Fall 2020

Basic concepts related to the two fundamental digital graphic forms (raster and vector graphics) and learning best uses and practices for each. This course covers basic digital imaging terminology and techniques […]

MAT1275CO College Algebra and Trigonometry FA2019

Sybil Shaver
MAT1275CO|Fall 2019

An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of linear equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, and topics from trigonometry including identities, equations and […]

ARCH3522 Building Tech I, SP2019

Robert Zagaroli 3rd
ARCH1231|Spring 2019

Building Technology I: An introduction to basic materials of construction and the fundamental principals of hand drafting and system analysis. The coursework includes surveying existing conditions, development of […]

COMD4900 OL92 Internship Fall 2020 Goetz

COMD4900 OL92 Internship Fall 2020 Goetz

COMD4900|Fall 2020

Student is assigned to find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor. Approved Sites include advertising agencies, […]

Production For Designers

Production For Designers

Prof. Kubis
COMD 3532|Spring 2020

An interactive adventure into the world of production. Production, the glue that keeps the advertising, marketing and communication industry whole. Covering all forms of production, from, digital, to legacy, to […]

ENG1101 English Composition I (O218) | Fall 2020

ENG1101 English Composition I (O218) | Fall 2020

Anthony Wheeler
ENG1101|Fall 2020

An online course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including the use of the library. Using readings ranging from the NYC experience to how modern technology is molding society, we will be […]

MAT 1275CO College Algebra and Trig CoReq

MAT 1275CO College Algebra and Trig CoReq

Steven Rocklin
MAT1275CO|Fall 2020

This model course is designed for use by faculty teaching MAT 1275CO on the OpenLab – it includes a number of resources and sample assignments to help you get started. If you are a faculty member, you can ”clone […]

ENG1101-0239 English Composition I, Fall 2020 (Fridays/Mainstream)

ENG1101-0239 English Composition I, Fall 2020 (Fridays/Mainstream)

Elizabeth Goetz, Robert Lestón
1101|Fall 2020

A course in effective essay-writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for writing essays.

HMGT1102IntroF&B, Fall2020

HMGT1102IntroF&B, Fall2020

HMGT1102|Fall 2020

Learning Community: Together we will develop an understanding of what it means to be an innovator in the hospitality industry. Using reflection to better identify what is important to the individual and the […]