’s Profile

1,585 to 1,596 (of 4,425)
Blain ENG1101, SP2020

Blain ENG1101, SP2020

Jacquelyn Blain

This first year composition class focuses on the reading, writing, and thinking skills that you’ll be able to transfer to other courses and to writing at home and in the workplace.

ENG 1121 O436 Spring2021

Anthony Eid
1121|Spring 2021

ENG 1121 O436 (35658)

COMD2400 COMD II, FA2021

Brian Jones
COMD|Fall 2021

This openly available model course contains course information, learning outcomes, suggested weekly topics and projects, video resources, quizzes, and more. It may be cloned and adapted by any faculty member […]

Art and Architecture of Africa

Orwel George

This course is designed to be an historical study of the plastic arts and traditional architecture produced by the indigenous African societies of ancient Egypt, Ethiopia, and the countries of Central, East and […]


J A Montgomery
ARCH1231|Fall 2020

An introduction to basic materials of construction and the fundamental principals of hand drafting and system analysis. The coursework includes surveying existing conditions, development of plans, elevations, and […]

MTEC 3175 Experimental Game Design & Development, Fall 2021

Hosni Auji

This hands-on studio course will focus on the creation of innovative workable prototypes exploring expressive forms of gameplay using a variety of multi-media approaches, methodologies and materials. The […]


Visakh Menon
COMD 2400|Fall 2021

In this course, students learn to refine their conceptual thinking, and the ability to apply design concepts across various media channels. This course challenges students to think and strategically apply campaign […]

ARCH2431.BT3 Class Template

ARCH2431.BT3 Class Template

Prof. Paul King

AR2431.BT3 Class Template

MTEC 3140-OL98 – Topics & Perspectives in Emerging Technology

Cristen Spivey
MTEC 3140 |Spring 2021

This course is about understanding our role in both the propagation and dismantling of societal values through media production and consumption. It is also about recognizing the power and responsibility we each […]

MAT 1375 OL 89 Fall 2020

Lili Grigorian
MAT1375|Fall 2020

This is a 4 credit course. Topics include an in-depth study of functions such as polynomial functions,radical functions, rational functions,trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions; […]

MAT1375 Precalculus Fall 2019

Kate Poirier
MAT 1375|Fall 2019

Topics include an in-depth study of functions such as polynomial functions, inverse functions, radical functions, rational functions, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions; solving […]

ENG1142 POETRY Spring2021

ENG1142 POETRY Spring2021

Emily Hyland
ENG1142|Spring 2021

Introduction to Writing Poetry