Internship Blog 3

The culture of my workplace is very diverse. We have interns of various cultural backgrounds. The work place itself is located in the New Rochelle College by the Recreational Plaza. The interns work in a computer lab of the New Rochelle College. We each have our own table where we used our laptops on. Each Day I would go to work around nine in the morning. I go to the classroom and setup my own station for work. Once everything is set, I would then look over the drafts of layouts on the scrapbook I bring with me every day. The scrapbook allows me to work on the design on pen and paper before going onto the computer. It is much easier and faster to get an idea down. Afterwards I will translate my designs and drawings to digital. At noon the interns will have an hour break to get lunch. I like to work on the app while eating lunch so stay at the workstation when I eat. The workflow continues with me working on the app till five in the afternoon.

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