3 Companies that I would like to work for are…

One of the three companies that I would like to work for is About.com. This company has helped their visitors with a lot of information and topics that are needed to know and useful towards our everyday lives. I would like to help others who aren’t sure of what to do since all it takes is a single click.


Another company that I would like to work for is Godiva. This company specializes in making chocolates that are handcrafted. Since 1926 they have been the top company for producing their delicious treats. I love chocolate so this company will suit me well.


Lastly, the next company that I would like to work for is BuzzFeed. BuzzFeed is a great company since they have so many topics to talk about like video games, sexuality, relationships, school, friendship, culture, countries and they also have fun quizzes that you can take. Their youtube channels are also a big hit with many videos and subscribers. I highly recommend everyone to subscribe to them. You will not regret it.


Project 2: My Thoughts

2016-10-28-09-45-24 2016-10-28-09-46-10While I was working on project 2, I learned that movement and sound are very important principles in the world of design. What the artists want you to see and realize is that words, shapes, and even a background can take your eyes into seeing a lot more than what meets the eye. The direction that they want you take will not disappoint you since later on it can make you think more about what is actually going on in a composition and I am happy that I learned what my professor taught me. Thank you.

Rhythm and Movement







In composition #1 rhythm is present within the flowers since they follow a unique pattern and movement is present within the vines of the flowers which makes it feel as though the vines are continuously growing.  Next, In composition #2 the triangles are presenting rhythm and inside of the them their are designs that are presenting rhythm, also. Finally, in composition #3 we can see that the air, snowflakes and stars are presenting movement and rhythm is not present in this composition.

Visual Hierarchy

20161011_145026 1. I found this example of visual hierarchy very interesting since the design of this image has the direction of what is wants you to look at first. Where it says, “Art. Collect. Yourself.” I had read the words second and paid attention to the person that was posing for the photo first. In my opinion those words are the first location of this poster (Art). Where the records are located and scattered on the floor is where the second word comes in play (Collect). Finally, after we have gave our full attention to the records we then look at the model. In the photo he is enjoying his music while dancing and feeling the groove.20161011_141407 In this poster we have Amber Rose posing for the image. We can see and example of visual hierarchy here since she is facing the white ground that is beside her.20161011_140959 In this poster I found this interesting since the model is not facing the white ground to her right side but is facing us instead.  Her knee is bending and facing the the white ground instead of her upper body. 20161011_141430 This poster is similar to Amber Rose’ pose since she is facing the words to her right side. If the two spaces were swapped then it would feel out of place.20161011_144926 I like how this poster has the eagle lifting the pack of beer up towards the word “Drunk.” I like this example of visual hierarchy since the eagle is pointing the beer upward to the word that defines the purpose of the beverages.

My Project #1

screenshot_2016-09-23-09-27-18 My patterns are not yet complete. There are more than a few minor errors that I have made during the first project but I plan on completing and owning up to the mistakes. I can see my patterns well-done and complete (besides the smudges) to the best of my creativity. I find my patterns very interesting yet simple with clever additions that will soon be added.


In my opinion, art is more personal than design because when expressing yourself throughout a painting or drawing there is more emotion. Art does not really take any skill but it is more about talent. Design is more technical than it is talent. The skill that is required to create or edit an image is very different from that of art. With design you can always work a lot faster and is less messy.


Figure Ground and Music Notes

I do believe that the figure ground and the notes and rests in music can be quite similar since, in my opinion, the notes can be described as positive sounds and the rests can be identified as the negative parts of the music. We are more influenced by the sounds that stand out rather than the rests in a track just like how most of us pay more attention to what is in front of our eyes rather than what is in the background of a photo, drawing, painting, or physical area. The notes carry more hard or light resonant sounds as to the long, deep, and silent bodies of the rest.