
Assignment 1: Due 09/10

Create Github Repo and share with me.

-Create an Openlab portfolio if you don’t already have one, and create a
category dedicated to this class. You will use it to document any work you produce in this class.

Assignment 2: Due 9/17

  • Create a Unity scene with a full terrain (ground textures, grass, trees, wind,
    player controller, post-process effects. Record a short walk through video (1min max). Briefly document your process in your portfolio, explain what you’ve tried to achieve (what look/atmosphere, any references you may have used, etc.), and post a link to your video trailer.

Assignment 3: Due 10/01

  • Finalize and deliver Project 1: Kontrol. This project should demonstrate your knowledge of Unity’s input system. You can use the InputManager or the new Input System. Feel free to make the project interesting by adding particle systems, audio reactivity, mic input, midi input, or other input. Document your scripting work with flowcharts on your portfolio.

Assignment 4: Due 10/15

Create a basic AR project using AR Foundation. Post on Github and share the project with me. Optional bonus, create an AR portal and add your own 360 image.

Assignment 5: Due 10/22

Complete AR project. Demonstrate your ability to interact with objects, select objects, tap to place objects, move, scale, rotate objects.

If you have an android device or iOS with a mac, build project to a device and make sure the AR is enabled.

If you do not have a device available you can build AR project with, then I suggest making a scene and building to your PC/mac. The scene should demonstrate a concept that would work in AR so that if you swap out the camera with an ARSession, it would have the correct scale and properties.

NOTE : After this week, I will no longer be accepting late assignments. It’s important to keep up with the class and let me know if you have trouble completing the assignment for any reason.

Assignment 6: Due 10/29

Work with Reaktion project. Create custom audio reactive elements. Create a short video of your project and upload to github. This will be a portfolio piece.

(Optional) Create a custom Injector for Keyboard input. We reviewed the process of creating a custom Injector for UI Slider input in class.

Assignment 6: Due 11/05

HW for next week is to create an audio reactive music visualizer using Reaktor and Kvant.

Assignment 7: Due 11/12

Download ThreeDPoseUnityBarracuda. Add a video clip or record your own of someone dancing. Use the video clip to make a 3D avatar dance to music and Vfx.

Assignment 8: Due 11/19

Continue working with the ThreeDPoseUnityBarracuda project. If it Mocap doesn’t work with your computer, you can use an animation instead. Customize the scene with a Timeline, and special Fx. Record a video and upload to Github.

Assignment 9: Due 12/03/19

Project Connect. Clone or download the agora project on Github. Create an Agora developer account. Add an App KeyRecord a video tutorial with voice over (20min max).

Final Project : Due 12/17

Create a final project using the skills you’ve learned in class so far. This should utilize user input in a way that creates an interactive and visual experience. There is a lot of flexibility in this project, use your creativity. Feel free to make this about something you feel passionate about. Review some of the topics we covered in class and try to incorporate as many of them as you can. I will be grading based on effort, concept design, and visual appeal.