Class 14 Resources

The code examples we looked at in class today are here: canvas-experiments github

A guide on how to use the files at home on your machine

MDN Web Docs: Canvas Tutorial

MDN Web Docs: Canvas API Reference

MDN Web Docs: Getting started with the web

MDN Web Docs: JavaScript Basics

MDN Web Docs: Learn JavaScript

Incomplete list of code editors that are free to download and try out, presented in no particular order:

When are we hybrid? When are we in person?

This is a hybrid course. I’ve received a few inquiries about what exactly that means. What days of the week will be online, which will be in person?

Typically, the first lessons of each unit will be online. This will comprise an introductory lecture that will introduce the topic.

Then, subsequent sessions of that unit will be in person. These sessions will typically feature participatory and group-based learning.

Also, invited guests will present online.

This typically means that two sessions of any given unit will be online, with the remainder held in person.

You can find further details on a week-by-week basis in the syllabus.

Other factors may cause changes to modality (online->in person or in person->online).

Any changes will be posted as announcements in Slack, ideally no less than 24 hours before the session will be held.