Hello All,
A bit of housekeeping: For those of you who didn’t have a chance to show your work or with incomplete portfolios, I will be following up with you individually. So please make sure you complete the work. I wanted to also remind you to come to class on time. I will be taking attendance at 10 AM from now on.
Mash-up specs:
Please create a mash-up on Audition using at least two or more songs and one additional source such as a part of a speech/line in a movie etc. You do not have to use a lot of a source. It could even be one word or one 4 beat loop. They should be between 30 sec-2 min
Sequence settings:
32 float
48,000 Hz
Ok! Bring some headphones!
DJ Danger Mouse: Grey Album Interlude – Jay-Z vs. The Beatles (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.