problem 1

Project 1 “Sandwich Shop” Portfolio

For this problem we, as a group of three, acted as project managers to prepare a sandwich for PBJ-2K. We were given designer drawings, research pictures, and $20 to make this happen. In my group I took the responsibility of finding out where to purchase the plate and to also come up with an idea as to how we can keep the bread as fresh as possible. The problem for this assignment was to ensure that everything remained fresh throughout its travel and that we needed very clear instructions for the stagehand that was to prepare the sandwich for the show. The hardest parts were getting everything we needed into the “truck” and making sure that the instructions provided were understandable to anyone who read it. We didn’t have a strategy per say, but after realizing what we needed, we went and got it. There wasn’t really anything easy, because if there was it would’ve been easily overlooked.

A real-world scenario that relates to this would be a catering event, where food needs to be delivered so its fresh upon delivery. Also a scenario where something is given to you that needs assembly, like Ikea furniture. The instructions need to be clear so that the furniture goes together a certain way.


from this project I learned that something that makes sense to you, or is understandable to you, might not be understood by someone else the same way. You have to look at who you are communicating with, and as best as possible, find a way to communicate your points. I will apply this to the next time I have to communicate an idea or point. I will analyze who I’m talking to, and make sure that what I am saying, make sense to that person.