Nursing Philosophy

I believe nursing is centered on the core ethical values of veracity, non-maleficence, and autonomy. As nurses, we should never forget that you are dealing with people that need care, even if it seems trivial at times. Our selfless and positive actions may trigger a domino effect in the lives of your patient, and the loved ones around them. It is the nurse’s responsibility to be the advocate for the patient’s wellbeing. Nurses are professionals that embody spirit in their practice, but in order to provide care at its highest potential, one must first reach peace within us. The Nurse’s Code of Ethics, states that nurses have the duty of respecting their patients; however, we must respect ourselves as well, by practicing the same health measures thought to our patients (Hegge et al., 2015). I believe that nurses have the duty to pursue professional growth and maintain competency in practice. There will be times were our personal values may be in conflict with the values of others. It is during this time that our principles are tested, and when we should uphold our professional ethical standards.




Hegge, M., Fowler, M., Bjarnason, D., Godphrey, T., & Lee, C. (2015). Code of Ethics

         for Nurses With Interpretive Statements. Washington, D.C.: American Nurses



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