Fifth Journal Entry:

Prof. Nicolaou and Classmates,

When it comes to collaborative work within the office, communication between each other becomes imperative. One of our resent projects involved the creation of a backdrop-advertising panel for one of your client’s event. For this project, I had to come up with the multiple layouts and the placement of the logos within the backdrop. These logos had to follow a hierarchy of one through six. I had to work with Paul, who is the Graphic Designer and also with my supervisor Mr. Brian, who is the Creative Director. We first started sending ideas to each other using email. Email communication is convenient, but also creates delays between responses and the project is hold back, but not as much. When we were all at the office, feed back is more time effective and we all tree were able to gather around a computer and all commented on what worked better and what did not work as much. Decision-making was faster and I believed it was more effective. Collaboration definitely helps when it comes to brain–storming and effective decision-making. It was challenging at first to be able to coordinate between people, but in the end the results we got showed the benefits of convening ideas and talents within the office.

Here is one of the layouts we came up with:

Screen Shot 2015-10-24 at 10.36.05 PM

Thank you for your time,

Marielos. Osorio

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