Midterm & Essay Grades

Midterm scores will let you know 3 things:
–your blog/participation score (30% of final grade)
–your Essay 1 status (whether or not it has been handed in)
–your overall Midterm Grade (P = passing / BL = borderline / U = unsatisfactory)
Essays will be scored as follows*:
A = significantly and effectively revised from first draft; fully engaging to read for a college-level reading audience; few to no sentence-level issues that interfere with the reader’s understanding
B = significantly and effectively revised from first draft; moderately engaging to read for a college-level reading audience; some sentence-level issues that interfere with the reader’s understanding
C = minimally revised from first draft; some sentence-level issues that interfere with the reader’s understanding
D = minimally revised from first draft; repeating sentence-level issues that interfere with the reader’s understanding
F = not revised since draft one
* = while it is only required that you submit your *revised* essays at the end of the semester, you have the option of submitting Essay 1 for a provisional (not final) grade by Thu 10/10.

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