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Justin Lin

Hi my name is Justin Lin I live in NYC since the day I was born. I am from China so I speak two different kinds of Chinese Cantonese and Mandarin. For my hobbies I like to look at new technology such as like computer parts, custom keyboards, keycaps, headphones and phones. I do love new technology that interests me a lot however I do want to purse my career as an pharmacist I want to help my family out in case they need medication or anything so I can help them to provide a healthier life. For activities in NYC I like to hangout with my friends, play pool, bowling, swimming, spending time with my family, playing virtual reality as my workout routine. I also really enjoyed going to waterpark during the summer it’s really fun and exciting.

Getting to know me

My name is Yameen. My pronouns are he/him. I was born in Bangladesh which is in Southeast Asia, however I was raised in Nyc. I am from the Bronx and have stayed here for majority of my life. My major is Computer Science, and I would like a job in IT in the future. 2 hobbies of mine are fitness and journaling. I like to write and one day would love to publish a book. An Nyc activity I like to do is thrift, I go thrifting in the city every weekend. I am excited about college. It’s the first real step of my life.

I’m not able to upload a picture, but if I did, it would be a picture of someone meditating. Meditation relieves the body of stress and anxiety, a peaceful state of mind is a productive state of mind. Meditation is very meaningful to me because it gets me ready for the day.


Weeks 2 and 3: Reading, Writing, Learning, Life (Due 9/10)


 “to reassure myself that they are there, too, smiling, frozen in that moment in time, back when we all traveled from five boroughs and 30 walks of life to converge in a single space, back when we got together in Namm 522 on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m.” .To put this quote into my own words “i look back at this film to reassure myself that we will one day be back to to normal and ill be able to see my family of students”. My purpose for choosing this example was i believed the writer put a lot of power into that quote.


 The daily news  article” in defense of the classroom” tells the influential experience a classroom can have on its students and professors. The article also tells how being together in a room provides a support system for the students. They also describe an emotional/mental effect that some people may feel due to this online learning. They include also telling how online classes are ineffective.


I completely agree, a classroom has the power to help students grow together than any video call