Weeks 2 and 3: Reading, Writing, Learning, Life (Due 9/10)

We kick off Unit 1, Education, by reflecting on online vs. in-person educational experience, and thinking about both the ideas in a text and the writing techniques the author employs.

Class discussion: LAF 2021 Welcome video; Diana Diaz, “Overnight Pandemic” (2020) in City Tech Writer;   Toni Morrison, “The Reader as Artist” (2006); Class Google Doc Annotation


  • Read Mike Bunn, “How to Read Like a Writer” pages 1-6 (2011). Annotate and apply reading strategies. What are his main ideas? Bring your notes to class for discussion.
  • Save to your computer folder for this class and review  Reading Strategies and How to Write A Summary Powerpoint
  • Apply Reading Strategies to Caroline Hellman’s “In Defense of the Classroom” (2020)
  • Reply below this post, numbering your answers:
    • 1. Copy and paste a quote (1-2 sentences) from “In Defense of the Classroom” that you found meaningful. Then paraphrase (put the quote in your own words)  and explain why you were drawn to it, commenting either on the idea or the writing technique. You might want to think about Bunn’s “How to Read Like A Writer” as you consider the writing itself.
    • 2. Consulting the Summary Powerpoint slides,  write a complete 3-4 sentence summary of “In Defense of the Classroom” in your own words. Check your finished summary against slide #5 and revise as needed.
    • 3. Respond with your own thoughts about the ideas in my article.   Be creative, be honest! College is about independent thought!

In our next class on September 13 (no class 9/6 or 9/8), we will discuss “In Defense of the Classroom” and “How to Read Like A Writer” and go over summary writing. Be ready to share any unfamiliar words that you looked up and ideas/questions that arose for you while reading.


  1. armand montas

    1. The quote I chose was “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door” also said as “put yourself in positions to succeed”. I chose this quote because it shows that you shouldn’t just wait for opportunities to come to you and that you should always try to stay active about your future and get after it.
    2. Throughout the article “In defense of the classroom: Understanding the kind of learning that only takes place in person” you read all about what online learning is missing as a whole and how the experience doesn’t even come close compared to online learning. They also talk about how diverse a classroom may be, and how it helps to have your peers near you that you can turn to and ask for help if you need to. They talk about how teachers should be playing a pivotal role at this moment since it is their classes being changed and they are also being affected by the situations.

    • armand montas

      **new answer**
      1. The quote I chose was “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door” also said as “put yourself in positions to succeed”. I chose this quote because it shows that you shouldn’t just wait for opportunities to come to you and that you should always try to stay active about your future and get after it.
      2. Throughout the article “In defense of the classroom: Understanding the kind of learning that only takes place in person” the author shows you why and how in person schooling holds so many advantages over online schooling and why they will never be the same. she also refers to governer cuomo’s speech to give you a different point of view on the situation also allowing you to make a decision for yourself.
      3. I will be siding with the author because i personally enjoy beingh inside a classroom and learning as opposed to being in a call because i feel more immersed and get to hear more throughout the class allowing me to establish more distinct opinions for most of my responses and allowing me to cross reference aswell as see what other people are thinking and why.

  2. raheel ahmed

    1)”When we began online classes mid-semester, the transition posed challenges to both instructional delivery and classroom community. As many students were not able to participate in live, synchronous class sessions, our class “met” asynchronously online to discuss the remaining class texts, many of which concern freedom, mobility, space, and time — commodities highlighted in the era of coronavirus”. IN my own words this would mean that online school changed the way of learning because we aren’t going to school and learning and using school equipment we are just at home looking at a screen that how i see it.
    2)In Caroline Hellman “In defense of the classroom “(2020)the author is stating that online school is different then in person and that we need to change up how we are teaching because students cant learn the same way they do in person then online. While the mayor says each individual class is a pointless the author thinks otherwise and says he isn’t fit to ne the leader of New York. The Author is trying to pursue the people that are attending online school to know that it isn’t the same in person school where you know where everyone sits its not like that.
    3)I’m not gonna lie i kind of got what you were saying but not fully and i think that i misinterpreted what u said a little. But in my opinion i like online class more because i get to be home don’t have to hassle in the morning to be on time i can just get up and get on. It was a good article though but I don’t know why a little confusing to me.

  3. Naomi

    1)“Higher education does not simply concern lectures and exams but also what is learned in their interstices, at the times one might least expect a worldview to be altered. These experiences cannot be replicated in online sessions only accessible to some.”
    In these sentences, the author has sort of summarized the article after explaining the difference and the importance between online courses and in person courses. Not only she explained, shared and informed about the fact and experiences of having courses in a classroom, but she also spoke about the contribution and the different interpersonal experiences that this implies and brings.

    2)In the article “In defense of the classroom: Understanding the kind of learning that only takes place in person”, by Caroline Hellman, the author started by giving the location of her class, describing it, and presenting each one of her students by origin, manner, gender, ambition and interaction.
    She then explained how unfortunately due to a sanitary crisis, the college had to be closed but Cuomo the governor of New York at that time handled it well by implying that everyone has to play a big part to make everything go well, specially the educators and the students.
    The challenges began as the transition of in person classes gave way to online classes. Students as well as educators struggled because they were not used to this kind of routine and what that implies.
    From those experiences, by analysing the online and in person classes, having courses in person; and having physical, social and cultural interaction give more contribution in the learning process than online courses.

  4. Alayon G

    1) “The physical classroom, shared with a spectrum of folks with disparate nationalities, ethnicities, religions, gender identities and perspectives, offers an important education beyond mere curriculum.”
    To my understanding of the quote above, the author is trying to express the importance of how being in a social context can help others understand the value of respecting and connecting on a spiritual level with each other. This quote caught my eye because of how well it was put into words, the reality is that social interaction is a human necessity.
    2) In the article “In Defense of the Classroom Understanding the kind of learning that only takes place in person” by Caroline Hellman the author attempts to bring the readers to see the importance of the physical classroom and how it has took a toll on education. While online can be convenient for certain people, it deprives the students from a “instructional delivery” as the author says. The author gives the reader their visualization of their classrooms’s environment, along with a description of their students and their backgrounds. Allowing the reader to get a sense of the roots that are being grown from this environment.
    3) honestly, It was a handful to read.

  5. Sakar Alazeb

    1 “Distance learning begets distance, and exacerbates issues of access and equity. In fact, year in and year out, CUNY students leap hurdles that many would find overwhelming: working full-time, caring and providing for families in New York and across the globe. It is not clear that more students would be able to participate in synchronous, remote class sessions even outside the context of an emergency.” This sentence is saying how distance learning shows issues of access to wifi or internet and shows how unfair life is too some people. Distance learning also shows how much students have to juggle in their daily lives from work, family to trying to find their passion all while going to school. students dealing with all kinds of things are unable to participate in remote class with different times.
    2 In the article “In defense of the classroom: Understanding the kind of learning that only takes place in person”, by Caroline Hellman, the author does her best to explain how remote classes are not the same as in person where everyone can interact with each other. In person classes also have a different perspective since there’s 30 kids with 30 different point of views while online everyone is quite not interacting and some people don’t have access or they are in a situation where their home isn’t a good environment for learning. From the text i also noticed that it had to be done with the situation the world was in and that everyone did the best they could with directions from the governor on how to have a safe education even if it wasn’t ideal.
    3 The article was very intergening because it showed a different perspective me personally i don’t like online because i have siblings at home and since they are babies they make a lot of noise (cute noises) also sometimes i just cant focus because i’m distracted by anything else.

  6. DavidKobus

    1. “As many students were not able to participate in live, synchronous class sessions, our class “met” asynchronously online to discuss the remaining class texts, many of which concern freedom, mobility, space, and time — commodities highlighted in the era of coronavirus.” The author creates a perspective in which all people were forced to live in recently. I was drawn in by this quote because it describes the inabilities that students had during the coronavirus era. Students weren’t able to properly learn, and participate in class to fulfill their educational needs.
    2. In “In the Defense of the Classroom”, the author states how crucial it is to learn and teach in person. Properly learning shouldn’t be done from a screen at home, and people need to realize the disadvantages of this. Students may not have the ideal environment at home for learning which leads to less participation in the class. The article states how we need to change the way of learning since coronavirus as it is not as effective than learning in person.
    3. In my opinion, remote learning may be for some people, and some may not be able to learn remotely. I enjoy remote learning because it allows me to work independently without any distractions. Completing any homework, and studying right when I’m done with the class has become a useful tactic in order to succeed remotely. The article suggested great points as to why learning in person is more effective.

  7. Patrice C

    “I remember their seating arrangement, adopted as routine. In the back row, Simranjeet Kaur sat next to Cathy Ho sat next to Marchella Prado. In the front, Tiana Frederick sat next to Ayshe Kerim and Emilio Lopez sat next to Edwin Almanzar.” I like how the author used imagery to describe how the students in the classroom were seated. This writing technique made me picture the way my classmates and I were seated in one of my favorite classes.

    “In defense of the classroom: Understanding the kind of learning that only takes place in person” by Caroline Hellman (2020), the author’s main goal of the article is to illustrate how online school will never compare to the physical classroom. The author references Governor Andrew Coumo’s speech because both she and the governor understand the unique advantage teaching in front of a class gives students.

    I agree with the whole article, especially this phrase, “The physical classroom, shared with a spectrum of folks with disparate nationalities, ethnicities, religions, gender identities and perspectives, offers an important education beyond mere curriculum.” Before the pandemic I always thought that I hated school but not being in school synchronously made it harder for me.When my school officially announced we will be doing online learning I was a bit happy. Then I quickly began to struggle. The classroom is so unique and it really made me appreciate going to school everyday and seeing familiar faces.

  8. Justin Lin

    1. When we began online classes mid-semester, the transition posed challenges to both instructional delivery and classroom community. As many students were not able to participate in live, synchronous class sessions, our class “met” asynchronously online to discuss the remaining class texts, many of which concern freedom, mobility, space, and time — commodities highlighted in the era of coronavirus. I chose this quote because I think it’s really difficult for some students who can be struggling for online classes and it’s not for everyone. Some people would like real interaction in school than online because it’s hard to interact much in online compare to real life since not everyone in the group work will want to talk at all.
    2. In “How to Read Like A Writer” (2011) by Mike Bunn, the author is trying to explain that reading can be more interesting by trying different point of view and understanding what the author wants to explaining of the genre. As a writer there’s lots of skills that we can improve by learning from different authors of what kind of connection they are trying to make through reading and writing skills. It’s important to review over what you learned in the past for reading and writing skills to improvise it.
    3. Overall, in my opinion I think it can be challenging for some people who wants to do classes in school than online since not everyone is the same and it can be challenging for some students that can be distracting to others however, I personally would still prefer going to school since it’s better to have real interaction with other students than doing it online.

  9. Alioune Haydara

    1) One quote that was meaningful to me was, “In our course, we examined literary constructions of ethnicity, gender, sexuality and class in a variety of landscapes and interiors, exploring how individuals’ experiences of space and place differ.” I think this quote shows that the class read diversely. They learned about new things, different experiences, and other perspectives. I was drawn to this quote randomly but because I know that the school is diverse so it is cool that they are learning diversely. It can make others feel more comfortable that others are learining about things they might be experiencing. Also the teacher is teaching them about different things so they learn new things.

    2) In the article “In defense of the classroom: Understanding the kind of learning that only takes place in person”, by Caroline Hellman, the author gives her perspective of in person learning. She shows how much better it can be learning in person compared to online. She does this by describing what the classroom experience is like. She also talks about some of the issues with online learning. Lastly, she wants people to understand the type of learning you can only get in person.

    Btw I hope Mr. Cuomo read the article 🙂

  10. Diaaeldin Elabsy

    1) “The old model of everybody goes and sits in a classroom and the teacher is in front of that classroom and teaches that class” is pretty wonderful. In my own words that will mean in the past years when the students were going to the college or schools, education in person was much better than the online classes. In remote learning most students are not actively engaged wasting most of their time playing video games or not even listening to their teachers. Reflecting on my own experience, I was a much better student when I was inside the classroom. If I struggled with something, the teacher was always helping me. When I had in person lab classes, I were using real materials for better understanding but online I am just watching how the professor use the materials.

    2) In the article “In defense of the classroom: Understanding the kind of learning that only takes place in person”, by Caroline Hellman, the author gives her opinion about in person classes. The author also discusses some issues showing up in online classes, comparing advantages and disadvantages of both online and in person classes. Being in person classes, students have more constructive discussions with each other. If one student has an issue, other students can help him or her, which is missing in online classes in which students have less interactive interaction as everyone is just looking at the screen and listen to the teacher.

    3) Overall , in my opinion in person classes are better for some students than remote classes. But I will be honest and talk about myself. I like remote learning more than in person. I’m always on time. I can eat if I’m hungry while being in the class. My college is far so I like to stay home. I like to learn remotely to avoid people because of the Covid-19.

  11. raiven

    1.) “I see them before me, as they were. I remember their seating arrangement, adopted as routine”.
    As I sat there and reminisced on the last time I taught classed and seen my student’s , I felt like was in my old classroom with all my students in their seating arrangements supporting the class routine.
    I was drawn to this quote because I understood the feeling of how the author felt. She missed her fellow students, her classroom and just seeing all her students come together as and community to learn and , just to witness drastic pandemic destroy everyone daily lives, wow . I can tell the author is very passionate about her career as and English teacher and supporting her students academically .The author doesn’t agree with the new adjustments for students academics not taking place in a classroom environment. I believe this because in the article the writer stated ,” Done well, “the old model of everybody goes and sits in a classroom and the teacher is in front of the classroom and teaches the class”Is wonderful. I feel the author’s feeling expressed at ease, agreeable because she already knows you learn your best while learning in person, inside of a classroom.

    2.) In Caroline Hellman’s” In defense of the classroom : Understanding the kind of learning that only takes place in person , Hellman expresses how she feels using writing techniques , on how the transition of live classroom to remote learning affected the students in a classroom environment and she also stated her opinion on how she felt about the governor’s remarks about students education in a live classroom environment. Transitioning was not easy for many students as they had to go from being in a classroom to figuring out tools needed at home to do assignments completely online the rest of the school year. Even though Hellman didn’t agree with everything the governor stated, she still voiced her opinion about students needing to be in a classroom environment to learn and and get the time and support they need that cannot be given in a remote learning setting, also how educators should be involved with innovations that have to do with building a school structure for students education in the future.

    3.)I loved the article and I agree alot with the opinion of Hellman, I feel the same way with my boys they need to be in a classroom environment when teaching its less distractions and students get to come together as a class to achieve they academics. I felt reminiscing all the time about teaching, made the writer realize how the learning environment is supposed to be. Remote learning and so much technology today I miss reading textbooks and note taking.
    Last I liked Hellman’s opinion after the governor made that harsh remark . I paraphrased in my own words how I felt the writer believe every class held students who came together as an community, brainstorming coming up with ideas without discriminating or caring about diversity of any sort.

  12. YameenKhalid

    ” One of the older classrooms at City Tech, was not glamorous….. And yet, the classroom housed something very valuable, something that has been lost and mourned in the transition to online instruction. ” stuck out to me. In other words, she is saying that even though the classroom was not that appealing and didn’t have the best equipment, it was still a better learning environment than online classes. I was drawn to this quote because I agree with it. Online classes do not share the same student to student or teacher to student interactions as they would in person.
    2) In the article “In defense of the classroom”, the author prefers in person learning opposed to online learning. She also talks about how important in person learning is. Transitioning from in person to online was difficult for both students and staff. For students, a completely new environment with no tools to help themselves with and basically learning on their own was not ideal.
    3) I agree with the article and think that in person learning is better than online classes. Students are more engaged and teachers are more hands on. I personally prefer in person classes because I get too distracted on my own. I feel like with a teacher present and peers i can talk to, my grades would be a lot higher than they are online.

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