Working together, teams should develop and refine a draft research question,  due Thursday, April 2, in the form of a post on each group’s OpenLab project site. Teams and individuals can use these resources to help them think through their questions. We will spend time in team meetings next Thursday 3/26 discussing your questions and possibilities for refining them.

Narrowing a Topic and Developing a Research Question [pdf] | Refine your Research Question | Tutorial: Is the Question Too Broad or Too Narrow?

Looking ahead to the weeks after spring break, the outline and revised research question is due Thursday, April 30.

Use this outline template or develop your own; teams can use collaborative concept mapping (MindMeister, Mindomo) to  display all their ideas and the relationships between them, and where more research is needed. The outline functions as a way to show how your research answers your question, and also helps team members visualize the work and divide it equitably.