Professor Montgomery

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Reading #2 Building Systems

A system is an assembly of irrelated or independent parts forming a more complex ans unified whole serving a purpose. A buikding has many different typesnof systems that include, conceptual, structural, enclosure, and mechanical.

Conceptual systems include a definition, scale, proportion, and organization of the interior spaces of a building; human activities by scale and dimension; movements or paths through a building; form, space, light, color, texture and pattern; and a relationship between the natural and built environment.

Structural includes the foundation of the building and columns, beams, and load bearing wall for support.

Enclosure is the shell of the building consisting of roof, exterior walls, windows and doors and what purpose each of them serves.

Mechanical systems include water supply for consumption and sanitation; sewage disposal that removes waste and organic matter; heating, ventilation and air conditioning for the environmental comforts of occupants; and electrical system that controls, meters and protect the electrical power supply such as power, lighting, security and communication systems.

Jaddie Diez reading number 2 building elements

  • In this reading Ching spoke about the difference between architecture and building construction. He states that architecture deals with scale proportions and organization of the interior spaces of the building as well as the functional zoning of the spaces of that building according to the purpose and use of that spaces. Ching also explains that a system is an assembly of interrelated or interdependent parts forming a more complex and unified whole that serves a specific purpose. Structural system was also mentioned as designed and constructed to support and transmit applied gravity. On the other hand enclosure systems are the envelope of a building that consists of the roof, exterior walls, windows and doors. Their are also mechanical systems which are what provides the essential services to a building.

Building Elements/ Reading #2

In the beginning of the chapter of Building Elements in ā€œbuilding Construction Illustratedā€ by Francis Ching, he describes architecture as more than just the art of building. The beauty of architecture is the various ways to design a beautiful house. But, architecture is more than just the design of a beautiful house, itā€™s how successful this beautiful house will function. So, learning about construction and the systems that make up a successful house is also necessary with the process of design.

The structural system is the skeleton that supports the foundation of the building. Itā€™s made up of superstructure system, which are the vertical extensions. Beams, columns, floors, and roofs. And the substructure, which is underneath to build the foundation.

The Enclosure system is what provides protection and privacy. The components of this system are doors (For access), windows (For light and view), Exterior walls and roofs (For privacy and protection and noise barrier), and Interior walls (For comfort and space units).

The Mechanical system provides all the services needed to make the building functional. This system is composed of water supply system (For human use and sanitation), Sewage disposal system (Removes wastes), Heating and air conditioning (Interior comfort), Electrical system (For power and lighting), Vertical transportation (Move from 1 level to another), and fire fighting system (To detect fires).

Building Elements Summary

This reading is about Building elements, which are elements that fill up the interior of a building in terms of definition, scale, proportion, and organization. There isĀ  a certain amount of space required for horizontal and vertical pathways, and should contain certain qualities such as the form, space, light, color, texture, and pattern.Ā  Each building must have a structural system, which is constructed differently depending on the weight of the building. With this, a building must include an enclosure system, which is practically the walls and roof of the building that shields it from the weather and certain exposures. Another element that should be included on a building is the mechanical system, which provides certain services that the people in the building could benefit from. this includes a water supply, waste disposal, transportation of heavy items and a massive amount of people, heating, and electrical systems.

The Building

Architecture and Building Construction are two different things but both of them include: Various, elements, and components.

Architecture As The Art Of Building :Ā we should consider the following conceptual systems of order in addition to the physical ones of construction.

  • definition , scale, proportion, organization of the interior space.
  • human activities and their scale and dimension.
  • the functional zoning of the spaces of a building according to purposes and use.
  • vertical and horizontal access path movement interiorly.
  • Sensible Qualities:Ā form, space, light, color, texture and pattern.
  • integrated within natural and built environment.

Structural System: it is designed and constructed to support and transmit applied gravity and lateral loads safely to the ground without exceeding the allowable stresses in its members.

  • Super Structure: vertical extension of building above the foundation
  • Substructure: the underlining structure forming the foundation of a building

Enclosure System: is the shell of the building including roof, exterior walls windows, and doors.

  • windows
  • doors
  • interior walls
  • roof and exterior walls

Mechanical System : it provides essential services to a building

  • water supply sys
  • sewage disposal sys
  • heating ventilating and air conditioning sys
  • electric sys
  • vertical transportation sys
  • fire-lighting sys
  • wast disposal and recycling sys may be needed


Notes #1 Means Of Egress

Egress:Ā  safe exit access from any point of the building ( exit access, exit,Ā  exit discharge)

Occupant load: the # of people that can fit in the building house etc..

Building code specify (health & safe): requires

– fire resisting material deepens on how high and area per floor

-fire alarm and sprinkler

1)Exit Access: Building Code Specify the max distance to the exit and degree of fire hazard. exit pass should be eliminated by emergency lighting in case power failer. Area of refuge.

-A horizontal exit: constrictive around the wall that separate and protect by automatic closing fire door.

2) Exit: doors for outside easy/fast exit. smoke proof encloser either a stairway or wall resistive construction. exterior exit balcony.

3)Exit discharge: all exit must discharge to a safe place such as exit court,exit yard, public way.



summary 1

The exit is used to escape the building in an emergency. Exports should be obvious and everyone can find them. For example, if one can’t find it, they should have at least two exits and more. This way people will not get lost or hurt. The export meets the following building requirements. Specific details should be considered when designing. For example, each exit has a distinct light sign that is fire-resistant and has a backup power source. When designing an exit, make sure that people can safely enter and exit when fires and other special conditions occur.

Reading Summary 1

ā€‹Francis Ching goes into detail of describing stairs, he views stairs as a special entity, Stairs donā€™t always affect the exterior of a building but do affect the internal organization of a building this could be a structural pattern of a layout of a building. Ching goes into detail to show us what a stair is made up of and the required dimension they have to meet. Stairs are made up from Risers and Treads, Riser being how tall the base is and tread being how long a stair is. Ching provides a formula for stairs: Tread(in) + 2x Riser(in) = 24-25 this formula can be used to calculate if the stairs that are being made meet building code in terms of dimension this is used mostly for interior stairs because exterior stairs are not as steep because they can propose a danger in certain weather conditions.


Stair should be a minimum of 36/44in for 49 people or less.

Handrails should be 4-1/2 inches from the wall and should be on both sides of the stair and should be 34-38 inches of height and should have guard rails.

Landings should be the width of the stairs and have a minimum length of the width of the stairs.

Treads/Risers/Nosings- there should be a minimum of 3 risers per flight in order to help prevent people from tripping.

Doors in stairwells should be facing the way of egress for emergency purposes.


The purpose of a stair is to provide a way of transportation from one level to the next they also help organize a circulation.


Stairs also take up a good amount of space, there are different varieties of stairs: Straight run, Quarter Turn, Half turn, Winding stair, Circular stair, and Spiral stair.

Quarter turn stairs make a right-angle L shape, Half turn stairs make a 180 degree turn, Winding stairs are any stairs that are constructed with winders, circular stairs are circular and spiral stairs are made of wedge shaped treads (these are the smallest type o stair but can only be used in private individual dwellings due to code.

Reading Summary 1

Egress is the action of going out or leaving a place. it isĀ  It is the based on the three components, Exit access, exits, and exit discharge.Ā  Exit access is the exit placement in theĀ  buildings. Exits are the exits themselves, where they are located, and how much of them are in a building. Exit discharge is the safety and time it takes to leave the building without danger. Egress is one of the most important thing in the building, and the building code, because safety is the priority in the building construction. Stairs are supposed to be safer than elevators, because the walls are fireproof, and the doors are closing automatically. also during danger, they are designed to quickly get people outside as fast and safe as possible.

Summary 1

The means of egress is how people will exit a place and it must provide safe and easy way for occupants to exit. The three components to the egress system are exit access, exits, and exit discharge. Exit access is the pathway leading to the exits and they should be easy to access. The exits have to evacuate the people in a building to a safe place and into an exit discharge. An exit discharge is the safe place outside the building. This is all just in case an emergency happens, like a fire.Ā There are different types of stairs and regulations to how they are suppose to be made. Some types of stairs are straight run, quarter turn, half turn, winding, circular, and spiral stairs.

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