
Our class will formally restart on Friday this week (other classes starting on Thursday.) Most of you have responded to me about your resources at home. If you have not, please email me to confirm whether or not you have internet access, a computer, and/or a drafting table.

From this point forward you have the following options to complete the drawing assignments:

  1. Drawing by Hand
    • Drawing Paper Size: 12″ x 18″ (larger 24″x36″ is acceptable but not required.)
    • Best Option: Continue scaled technical drafting with a parallel rule or T-square. (Blick art stores sells a traditional t-square for $11.)
    • Second Best Option: “careful” hardline scaled drawings using triangle for straight edges. A “mini parallel rolling plotter” used for ship navigation is another useful tool for this option.
    • Third Best Option: “careful” freehand scaled drawings.
  2. Digital Drawings*
    • Best 2d Option: AutoCAD (if you are proficient)
    • Best 3d Option: Sketchup Pro with Layout
    • Second Best Option: Sketchup Free Cloud Version
    • Other Software: Rhino…

*Note: all digital drawings can be 3-d models with plan and section views generated from model, but these views must be edited as necessary to show layers of construction with proper line weights.

Drawing Submissions moving forward:

  1.  Drawing by Hand
    • Best Option: scan all drawings on flatbed scanner (available at Fed/Ex Staples type stores) and format in Adobe Illustrator
    • Second Best Option: scan all drawings on flatbed scanner and format into multi-page pdf file
    • Third Best Option: scan/photo all drawings with phone and format into multi-page pdf file
  2. Digital Drawings**
    • Best Option: output views as required and format in digital software (could use Adobe Illustrator if original software does not facilitate presentation.)
    • Second Best Option: output views and format into multipage pdf file

** All digital drawing submissions must include submission of original digital file of model/drawing to be used to check for plagiarism and inappropriate sharing of models.



SketchUp (Free cloud based version or Low Rates for Students): https://www.sketchup.com  See Products

AutoCAD student access: https://www.autodesk.com/education/home


Please email me or comment to this post with any questions.