Referencing Iano et al, architecture is a blend of theoretical know how and some amount of actual processes such as knowing the materials, using the different construction methods and similar  ways of application. Initial thoughts prior to Iano et. al, architecture for most readers is about the aesthetics and design aspects, but post reading Iano  one begins to see that there is a required amount of theoretical knowledge coupled with not just procurement of material but its current manufacturing states; wherein most manufacturing companies are making everything ecologically viable. In this sense post reading Iano ,architecture or anyone involved in construction  and manufacturing  of building materials must work to leverage more reduced carbon foot printing and pollution because there is a lot of greenhouse effect that is happening due to use of fossil fuels.

To wit,  Architecture is consideration of design, procurement of materials, its viability and then ultimately its operation ie. post occupancy evaluation via,  performance and upkeep of the realized design.