Homework 1 – Machine Research

Machine Research – DUE September 3rd

The beginning of every design process should include research. This may be visual research to find out what something should or could look like; it might be to find out if there is a solution to your problem that you can just buy instead of building it; it could be to see if anyone else has attempted to solve your problem before. Whatever your research is for, it takes skill, practice, and experience to find the information you need quickly and reliably. For this project, you will need to research a machine and then explain it to the class. This is similar to work you might do on a show, when you need to explain different technical options to other people on the production or artistic teams.

The Details

You will need to find a cool machine, dig up some documentation about how it works, then write an Openlab Post that explains your machine: what it is, how it works, why you think it is cool, and how/where you learned about it. If applicable, identify any simple machines that are included in the machine’s design. The machine should be primarily a mechanical device, so computers, electronics, and software are out. The machine could be a tool, a piece of hardware, a toy, a sculpture, or any other mechanical device.

Checklist for your reference:

  • Choose a cool mechanical device
  • Write an Openlab post that explains your machine
    • What it is
    • What it does
    • How it works
    • Why you think it is cool
    • How you got the information about it
    • Which simple machines are included in its design
  • Read and comment on some of your classmates’ posts

Grading Criteria

You will be graded based on:

  1. Your ability to clearly describe your research and decision-making process
    1. How/where did you find your information?
    2. Why did you choose your machine ?
    3. Did you correctly explain how it worked?
  2. Your ability to follow instructions and complete the assignment

2 Responses to Homework 1 – Machine Research

  1. At first I wanted to do my homework about hospital stretchers but I couldn’t find anything on how there built except to buy them so I decided to go with the disk tray in a computer. As we all already know the disk tray is used to insert discs into a computer whether it be to watch a movie or for work. The disk tray uses combination of gears, pulleys and screws to eject the tray. I think its cool because I never realized how many parts went into the tray and before you could stream movies and shows discs were how I watched things. I found my info through research and I have a friend who builds computers who told me. i also found a video that gave me more info into how they work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P46Qy0AosAU

    • This is a fine machine, but you should delete this comment and recreate this as a post.

      Also, the video does mention the gears used to eject the tray, but they are pretty hard to see. Did you find any schematics or close ups that show the details of the gears?

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