Category Archives: Coursework

Uconn “A New Husky For A New Era”



 The University Of Connecticut made the decision in 2013 to rebrand itself with the help of clint shaner the head of graphic designer at nike, along with the input of the rest of the nike team ,as well as alumni, students,  student athletes, and coaches. the former 3 quarter profile was seen as a poor representation of the fierce tenacity, and toughness that uconn players exhibit on the field. the basis of the designed that was used up to the point of rebranding had been used since the 1980’s  and was modernized in  2002. the last evolution of the jonathan the husky logo was substantially fiercer, and more intimidating than the 3 quarter profile version of him with his tongue sort of playfully sticking out. if anything the new logo design and branding should definitely do the job of intimidating all future opponents.