Work attire really depends on the company you work for. Many companies may ask their employees to dress ‘business casual’.
In the Design and Tech world, companies allow you, even encourage you to dress freely or casual. You can add your own creative touch. That’s how it works at the company I work at. I prefer to dress casual, I like to be comfortable.
Many people in the creative department dress super casual, I’ve seen Art Directors wear plaid t shirts, skater shoes even flip flops. However workers in the Finance department wear more business attire (pencil skirts, pants, button down shirts). Interns were told to dress up when meeting with clients. I work in the creative department so I am in an ‘open’ work area. The work area is an open workspace, one side consisting of long desks, chairs and computers for the employees and the other side with printers, cutting boards/tables. This area would be suitable for a designer. The hours are typically 9-5 but this also depends on your supervisor, how much work we have to get done, meetings etc. I am required to work 40 hours a week. All employees have a one hour lunch break, it’s up tp you if you want to take the full hour.