I am currently still working on designs that hopefully will be used for my supervisors magazine TBHTHO, To Be Honest Tho http://tobehonesttho.com/ that is lunching in September. I have to create a sort of collage style design that will be used for her feature boxes Shop, Instagram, and Feature. She gave me a couple of example websites she loves for inspiration, you can check them out on week 4 posts. So far am still creating some designs that will have an impact for her site.
These are just a few of many images am using for inspiration however I have to use items like shoes, cat eye sunglasses , phones and other things that fit each feature box.
She also had me do some other work for her Hashtag Lifestyle website by designing a Favicon, a favicon is like a small logo that appears in the right side of the address bar for example like the logo you would see in wikipedia or googles page. I also created a mockup of the top front page of Hashtag Lifestyle in order to see what the front page would look like with a different picture, color and arrangement.