Visual Quote

1) First write a brief introduction to the assignment

2) Next,talk about why you chose your specific quote. Why is this quote significant to you? What inspired you to choose this quote?

3) For each idea have a title, thumbnail sketch, final digital design, PDF link and a paragraph describing your thinking process for the typeface, color palette, and composition.

4) You will have a total of 3 design ideas (2 type-based and 1 photo-based if you wish).

See sample Visual Quote page below:

In this project, I designed three ways to visually communicate my interpretation of a quote that is meaningful to me.

I chose the quote “blah blah blah” because it blah blah blah.I chose the quote “blah blah blah” because it blah blah blah.I chose the quote “blah blah blah” because it blah blah blah.I chose the quote “blah blah blah” because it blah blah blah.I chose the quote “blah blah blah” because it blah blah blah.

First design

PDF Link

Why did you choose this composition for this quote? Which family of type did you choose and why? Why did you choose this palette of colors? How do all of these choices visually communicate your interpretation of the quote?

Second design

PDF Link

Why did you choose this composition for this quote? Which family of type did you choose and why? Why did you choose this palette of colors? How do all of these choices visually communicate your interpretation of the quote?

Third design

PDF Link

Why did you choose this composition for this quote? Which family of type did you choose and why? Why did you choose this palette of colors? How do all of these choices visually communicate your interpretation of the quote?