Project 3

Client: Midtown Comics

Target Audience: Comic Book lovers with busy lives.


Bike Messengers/ Deliver’s your comic’s on the day they are released

Online Service/ Order your comics online

Other comic related items available/ Increase your collection, more clothing


I want the commercial to have a comedic tone, I want it to start slow and dull but have moments of excitement in between.

Where the Ad Will Play: ABC, and CW 11

Reason: Because these 2 networks have superhero related shows, and of those people who watch those shows there has to be comic book lovers.



  1. First scene opens up with a man working at the office, He’s extremely bored looking at his watch.
  2. We see his collection of comics in his desk.
  3. We see a man swinging through the city like spider-man
  4. Back to the worker, we see him on his computer typing, then looking online for new comics
  5. He leaves the room
  6. We see our delivery guy arrive at the building when our protagonist works
  7. Back to our protagonist, he realizes he forgot something and goes back to his office
  8. When he gets there he see’s a stack of new comics
  9. We get our logo and tagline.

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