
This assignment required us to create a logo based on our names.

This is my final design that I used for my logo. This logo was created by using the abbreviations of my name which are “MNJ”, this logo was sketched before edited digitally. Every part of the logo represents something as it is my name, this out of all my designs took more thought and digital work. The only problem I see with this design is that it doesn’t seem centered and some curves are a little jagged.

For this design I incorporated what is called a “Freshman font”. There is a lot of representation of me in this logo as I utilize the red, black and green colors the pan-African flag which represents unity. This plays into the roles of the fonts, as it symbolizes a font used in a football team or sports team were the concept of unity is also shared. The logo wasn’t sketched up but was worked on entirely on in design. The problem with this design was that although it represent unity it lacked a meaning, only one “M” represented my name the other “M” whats meaningless as it didn’t represent anything. The “I” came about by the jointing of the two “M”s and in its self lacked meaning.

This is another version of the one above just in a different color variation. I considered using this one after analyzing the original one and realizing that it wouldn’t work out.

This is a digital image of what I call (tu3) this logo represents my name “muntu” as it is the last two letters of my name and the remanding three letters of my name is squared to the third power. The reason this logo did not work was because I felt it lacked in design as I did utilize any adobe softwares, so I felt as if I was lackluster in this project for designing a logo.