From the field


I found it interesting that the machine could print the same page on a big roll of paper, they had this big machine that could print the same information on a big roll. It seemed it could be accommodating if they were given to those corporation or businesses that want these papers.

There were a large number of printers and machines in the field trip and they all had their unique abilities and designs. The large machines each had a different competency, like printing out envelopes, slicing group of flyer, or folding invitations to avoid any cracks to make the job easier. With these machines you would have to be cautious with as they were fragile; In order for them to printer, and how the information is written. A typo or how the image / writing is upside down can be a conundrum that would force you to stop printing and fix the problem before pursuing.

I understood I had to be extremely careful when it came to printing work, the trip taught me how printing flyers, invitations and magazines could be problematic if you misuse or careless with the machines. I found that a lot of the importance focused on being precised and careful with the dimensions you work with, the hue you want to print out, the type of paper you want to use when it comes to printing posters. The trip helped my awareness of printing any design work, or how it would look if printed.