19 thoughts on “ARCHIVED POSTS

  1. Ida Touray

    I want to make a connect to the handkerchief that you posted with Desdemona’s handkerchief that her husband Othello gave her. I think the handkerchief is very important to their relationship because it is the first gift from Othello to Desdemona. This handkerchief has flowers on it and can be concluded that the flowers symbolizes love.
    The handkerchief can also be the turning point of the play because it grew more doubts on Othello’s mind when Desdemona dropped it and Emilia found it and gave it to Iago. This handkerchief is the piece of evidence that convinced Othello that Cassio is secretly in love with Desdemona, which was all made up by Iago. For example, Iago said to Othello, “but such a handkerchief— I am sure it was your wife’s— did I to-day see Cassio wipe his beard with” (act3, scene 3 lines 436-439). If the handkerchief was never dropped, then there mightn’t have been enough evidence to convince Othello and to grow tension in his relationship with Desdemona or Cassio.

    1. Prof. Suzanne Miller Post author

      Good comment! We will talk more about this PROP in class today…
      NOTE: In the picture the handkerchief shows flowers, but in the play something else is embroidered… if someone wants to mention what the handkerchief looks like (as describe in the play), do so in your post…!

  2. Hajrie Aksabanovic

    The handkerchief was the first gift Desdemona was given from Othello, she has it at all times as a symbol of Othello’s love. The embroidery on the handkerchief is strawberries. The handkerchief represents Desdemona’s fidelity. The handkerchief was a white napkin that has stawberries scattered. Othello told Desdemona the strawberries were stitched by hand and the thread that has been used is dyed with the blood from “maidens’ hearts” (3.4.87)


    I relate above posted handkerchief to the one that Othello had gifted to his wife, Desdemona. In ACT III of the play, in lines 434-435 in page 262, we can read a brief description about the handkerchief that is spotted with strawberries.
    As I read through the play (ACT III), handkerchief has different symbol to different characters. For Desdemona, handkerchief is the symbol of love as it was gifted by Othello to her.
    Handkerchief is important for Othello himself as it belongs to his late mother who kept the handkerchief as a symbol of loyalty to her marriage. Othello feels the same with handkerchief.
    Knowing the emotional value of handkerchief in Othello and Desdemona’s relationship, Iago intelligently uses handkerchief as a prop in the play to manipulate Othello’s mind. Iago uses handkerchief to convince Othello that Desdemona no longer possess it when he says to Othello ” I know not that; but such a handkerchief- I am sure it was your wife’s- did I to-day See Cassio wipe his beard with”. ( lines 437-439 of ACT III, Scene III in the play).

    And I agree with Ida that if Desdemona would not have dropped handkerchief, Iago would not get chance to use handkerchief as a smart prop to manipulate Othello and make him believe that his wife is unfaithful having an affair with Cassio.

    1. Arbiana Konica

      The handkerchief with strawberries scattered in it is a symbol of love and fidelity between Othello and Desdemona, as it was a symbol of loyalty to Othello’s mother. The handkerchief is Othello’s gift to Desdemona. She keeps the handkerchief as a symbol of Othello’s love and trust; she keeps it constantly to kiss and talk to (act 3, scene 3). On the other hand, the handkerchief is a powerful “weapon” in Iago’s hands. When Iago learns the meaning and symbolism of the handkerchief, he presents it as false evidence of Desdemona’s infidelity.

      I “disagree” with Ida. If Desdemona would not have dropped the handkerchief, Iago would present another “vital proof” in Othello’s eyes. His sick jealousy would push Iago to fulfill his plan. As we read in the play, Iago already manipulated Othello when he told him about the dream that Cassio had.

  4. Ciara Ratka

    The handkerchief in Othello is a significant prop because it symbolized something different for each character involved. Othello gave the strawberry printed handkerchief to Desdemona as a gift. He states that the strawberries are colored with blood. He sees this prop as a symbol of her faithfulness to him, and when it falls into Cassio’s possession, Othello feels that he lost Desdemona’s trust. Iago convinced Emilia to steal the handkerchief from Desdemona because he knew it would hurt Othello, as Emilia states “my wayward husband hath a hundred times wooed me to steal it” in line 292 of act 3 scene 3.

    1. Prof. Suzanne Miller Post author

      Good observation about the handkerchief having a different meaning depending on who is possessing it at the moment. Also, good recognition of Emilia’s role in all this… she has no idea what she has gotten herself into!

  5. Brian Onaghinor

    The handkerchief is probably the single most crucial prop in the story of Othello. It pushes Othello over the edge in believing Iago. He was skeptical at first but what Iago was saying was now starting to make sense. In the text it says, “I know not that; but such a handkerchief- I am sure it was your wife’s- did I to-day See Cassio wipe his beard with.” This part of the story is significant because Othello now has seen it with his own eyes that Desdemona may be “cheating” on him. The problem with Othello is that he trusts Iago too much to the point where he even refers to him as “Honest Iago”. This trust eventually is what leads to his downfall as well as others.

    1. Prof. Suzanne Miller Post author

      Yes! Brian, it’s great that you point out Othello’s reference to Iago as “Honest Iago.” Language is everything in this play, and this misnomer tells us a lot about Othello’s state of mind…

  6. Annisa

    The handkerchif is very importat because it was a gift that Othello had gave to Desdemona. However, Iago uses the Handkerchief to convince Otello that his wife Desdemona is having a affair with Cassio. Since, Iago mention the Handkerchief Otello was convinced that Desdemona could deceive him.

    1. Prof. Suzanne Miller Post author

      Hi Annisa,

      Although your observations are correct, be sure to proof-read next time… and to get the extra credit you need to follow instructions — in this case, that meant including an quote from the text. You will have another chance at extra credit in a couple of weeks.

  7. Osama

    In othello the handkerchief was very important because it causes Othello to believe that his wife was having an affair with Cassio. This pushes him off the edge becuase Desdemona had once decieved her father. Therefore, she could decieve Othello too. It also represented their love and to remeber each other.

    1. Prof. Suzanne Miller Post author


      Your observations are correct, but be sure to proof-read & to follow instructions… to get the extra credit points, you needed to include a direct quote. There will be another chance for extra credit in a couple of weeks…!

  8. Arbiana Konica

    The handkerchief is a symbol of love and marital fidelity between Othello and Desdemona, as it was a symbol of marriage loyalty to Othello’s mother. The handkerchief is Othello’s gift to Desdemona. She keeps it as a symbol of Othello’s trust and love, constantly to kiss and talk to (act 3, scene 3). When Iago learns the meaning and symbolism of the handkerchief, he places it into Cassio’s unknowing possession, presenting it as false evidence of Desdemona’s infidelity.
    I “disagree” with Ida, that if Desdemona wouldn’t have dropped the handkerchief, Iago could not have the “vital proof” that Othello is asking. I think that Iago would find a way to manipulate Othello; he already did by telling him Cassio’s dream and putting thoughts in his mind. His sick jealousy would push Iago to do anything to get the plan going.

  9. Katrine dadzie

    After reading about the handkerchief and how it came into the play, I strongly believe it is one of Shakespeare’s strongest element in this play. I believe this because it signifies the role of deception and power. Let’s think about it, without this handkerchief 1. Iago would not be able to plant any form of proof to convince Othello of what his wife is supposedly doing. the handkerchief granted Iago the power to be able to deceive Othello on a higher level. Also, I think Shakespeare wanted us to look at how much control the handkerchief had over the actors. For instance, it is evident in this play that women were treated a certain way during this era. Iago clearly had no respect for his wife, calling her a “foolish wife” in act III, scene III. I believe when Emilia said “ O, Is that all? What will you give me not For that same handkerchief? “, she felt that giving her husband what he had always been asking for would gain her some respect or worthiness in the eyes of her husband. I would think this because as Desdemona’s lady, I doubt she would ever want to betray her unless it was for a really good reason. I have so many ideas as to what the handkerchief could stand for but I feel like these are the essential thoughts at the moment.


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