Museum of the City of New York was one of the best museums i visited and that was the first time going there. First thing i liked was the starlight in the stairs and as an entrance,  it was one of the best art piece i saw there. Also the art on the wall in the stairway and i’ve attached some photos about that. For someone who never went to this museum neither heard of it before, i was extremely embarrassed.

My two favorite exhibits i saw there was Beyond suffrage and Art in the action.

What made me interested taking about Beyond suffrage is because it’s about a century of women in politics. That was a celebration after 100 years, women finally got to vote in New York State. What i saw inside of the cloth that they used to wear, the videos they have back in the old days, the posters on the walls and the exhibit is not only showing one ethnicity but different kind of people.

When i went downstairs to the second floor and i saw that in every year they are showing what type of art was in this year. If this type of art took place somewhere, they have a sticker on top of that piece “art in place”.

Going inside the room in the same floor, I saw a little small piece of art and next to it how it took place and where and how does look like in the actual size in the street.

Overall this museum was one of the best ones and planning to go more there specially it’s also near to central park.