Problem 2

PROBLEM: I’m part of a technical direction team in charge of a scenery team that is responsible for building a deck for a concert and talent show meant to take place after the haunted hotel. The haunted hotel will be striked by the end of Thursday call and 8 days later on Friday night. The talent show is the day after on Saturday and will begin rehearsals at 1 pm. The band for the concert would also like their logo painted on the deck and the talent show would like the floor to be glossy black.

WHAT WE UNDERSTOOD: Me and my team knew we had a strict 8 day deadline to assemble the deck for the concert/talent show and that we must have a plan to switch the bands logo for the glossy black floor.

MAIN ISSUES: The main issues me and my team encountered were figuring out how to do the switch with the band logo and glossy black floors, choosing between painting the band logo on one side and painting the other side glossy black and just flipping them when time comes. But the problem with that was when installing the floor the glossy black could get damaged because its facing the bottom and get scratched against the framing. The final decision was to paint 2 different pieces of Masonite with the logo and glossy black. Another problem I personally encountered was not reading the directions carefully enough, because I didn’t read the directions carefully I messed up the load-in calendar and fit too much work in too little time.

ANALOGY/ANALYSIS: Problem 2 has taught me again to read directions carefully, if I had read the directions carefully I wouldn’t have messed up on the calendar. Problem 2 also taught me to expect the unexpected and plan to spread the work out evenly, I had planned to work on the project on a certain weekend and a family issue came up and took up all my time. Because of the unexpected emergency I had no time to work on the project and was left far behind struggling to catch up with the work on my part, if i had spread the work out evenly throughout the week this set back wouldn’t have hit me as bad and I would’ve had the work caught up in no time.

APPLICATION: With the lessons I’ve learned from problem 2 I’m better prepared to read directions carefully and apply better time management in the event of a emergency whether it be in the workplace or on another project that might appear in the future.