Problem 3

PROBLEM: My teams problem was to research a method to building a curved flat and a type of molding.

WHAT WE UNDERSTOOD: My team understood that this wasn’t gonna be a easy task, we knew of the traditional way to cut a curved piece out of a piece of wood but we decided to think out of the box a experiment with a steam box for the curved piece and make our molding out of different pieces to try to cut down on the weight on the flats.

MAIN ISSUES: During our steam box tests our biggest problem was time, our 1 hour and 20 minute class wasn’t enough time for our test piece to gather enough steam to bend. There was times me and my team came in 3-4 hours earlier to get the steam box going before class to see if it would bend and still it wasn’t enough time. We concluded the reason we couldn’t get the piece to soak up enough steam was because our test piece was too thick and that our steam box a professional steam box and we had gaps and cracks some steam would escape through, we then switched out the test piece for a thinner one and repaired the cracks and gaps as best we could and tested the new piece. The thinner piece proved to be more successful and we were able to bend it

ANALOGY/ANALYSIS:  Problem 3 taught me to think outside the box and experiment with other methods to solve a problem because sometimes the traditional way inst the best. I also learned to better learn from my mistakes and adapt to them for example with the steam box, we learned what the issue was and did our best to fix it to make the test successful.

APPLICATION: The skills I learned from problem 3 I can apply to everyday life such as learning from my mistakes and to think outside the box to solve a issue, learning how to make and operate a steam box may come in handy one day when I need to make curved pieces.