Xavier M’s Profile

Technical Direction/ Lighting Design
Hello Im a senior currently majoring in the Entertainment Technology Field.
My Courses
ENT 4499 Culmination Project FA 2023 – SP 2024
The senior thesis project, utilizing skills in an innovative way to develop a project that relates to the entertainment industry. Projects are developed through courses in the entertainment technology and/or emerging media technology programs. Projects require approval by the advisor and must demonstrate management, technical design and presentation skills. Documentation of planning, design and realization is presented to a committee of instructors, both in entertainment technology and related disciplines, as well as to industry professionals selected by the student and approved by the advisor. Though students enroll in this course during their senior year, development of the project should begin during the second semester of the junior year.
This course will fulfill one of your writing-intensive requirements. You will be expected to complete several writing assignments, both in lab and lecture. These assignments will vary from a few sentences to long essays and lab reports. For long essays or lab reports you will be expected to hand in a first daft before the final copy is submitted. You will be given feedback on these drafts and it is expected you will incorporate these suggestions on the final copy.
COMD1112 Digital Media Goetz Spring 2023
This course introduces students to core concepts in the graphic communications field including typography, color theory, design and production terminology, reproduction processes, file formats and substrates. During the semester, students will complete three pages of their own ePortfolio web site. Lectures will provide students with a historical perspective of the graphic communications field as well as discussing current practices and future trends.
ENG1121 English Composition 2, FA2020 OL70
Together, we will explore and write within new genres, conduct research, and reflect on our writing practices. By the end of this semester, you’ll be able to analyze and participate in genres inside and outside of higher education. The aim is to build skills that will be useful in future coursework, the workplace, and in your personal lives. In other words, this course isn’t self-contained—we’re aiming to give you a toolbox of skills that you can apply to other classes and situations.
My Projects
Health and Safety in Production
A Survey of hazards specifically associated with working in theaters and fabrication shops. Topics include chemicals in pigments and polymer plastics, vapors, fumes and ventilation; shop conditions; proper preparation and planning, current OSHA and EPA standards; hazards associated with welding and fire codes.
My Clubs
Theatreworks, the resident theatre company at New York City College of Technology, is composed of students, alumni, faculty, staff and community members. Founded in 1974, Theatreworks has been recognized in the media and theater circles for its commitment to professionalism in performance, technology and the advancement of multicultural casting and crews in plays, videos, musicals, dance and other events. This unique approach to theatre has given Theatreworks citywide recognition and an audience from the greater New York area. Theatreworks is now performing in the state-of-the-art Voorhees Theatre, where a haunted hotel, the Gravesend Inn, has opened each October to hundreds of spectators for over 13 years. Each spring semester a resident group is hosted on campus to work with the Theatreworks students. Student technicians receive valuable training by participating in the lighting, sound, costume, video, publicity and scenery crews for performances each year. Theatreworks alumni can be found in the professional theater, in television and concert venues, and working with many theater-related companies in their respective communities. For further information about Theatreworks, call Professor Chip Scott in the Entertainment Technology Office in the Voorhees Building, room V 205, at 718.260.5590 or email cscott@citytech.cuny.edu