Wilson’s Profile

Active 5 years, 1 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology

My Courses

ARCH1230 Building Technology II

ARCH1230 Building Technology II

This course will study the basic materials of construction as well as the theory and practice of building technology. e course will include investigation of the assembly of building components and meth- ods of construction while developing pro ciency in both analog and digital drawing techniques.

ARCH4861 Professional Practice

ARCH4861 Professional Practice

A comprehensive look at the building industry with an emphasis on student professional development.

ENG 1121 D445

ENG 1121 D445

English 1121 is a course in composition, reading skills, and core critical thinking skills. The class will explore many genres, discourses, and multimedia to explore many ideas and readings.

ARCH 2431 BTech III

ARCH 2431 BTech III

Building Technology III

ARCH 3510 Fall 2018

ARCH 3510 Fall 2018

Professor Jill Bouratoglou Fall 2018 Design V M/Th 8:30-11:25am

My Projects

Building Tech 3 The New Museum Project by Jacky, Ivan, Wilson, and Mahamadou

Building Tech 3 The New Museum Project by Jacky, Ivan, Wilson, and Mahamadou

Professor Sherman’s Building Tech Class. Group Case Study on the New Museum

My Clubs

Wilson hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.

Wilson's Friends

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