Wilson Garcia’s Profile

Active 10 years, 10 months ago
Wilson Garcia
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Wilson Garcia
IT Support Assistant
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My Courses

NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice

NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice

A variety of professional, historical, theoretical, ethical, and health related issues relevant to contemporary nursing are discussed. Students will use a variety of professional tools such as in-class forums to debate relevant health care issues, the resume, a portfolio, and template for a project proposal for enhancement of professional development.

Human Services Seminar

Human Services Seminar

Pre Requisite course prior to Field Placement/Internship.

NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice SPand SU12

NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice SPand SU12

Professional Nursing Practice NUR4130 2747, 2748, 8547 SP12 and Summer 2012 A variety of professional, historical, theoretical, ethical, and health related issues relevant to contemporary nursing are discussed. Students will use a variety of professional tools such as in-class forums to debate relevant health care issues, the resume, a portfolio, and template for a project proposal for enhancement of professional development.



A variety of professional, historical, theoretical, ethical, and health related issues relevant to contemporary nursing are discussed. Students will use a variety of professional tools such as in-class forums to debate relevant health care issues, the resume, a portfolio, and template for a project proposal for enhancement of professional development.

HUS1207 Human Services Seminar, FA2013

HUS1207 Human Services Seminar, FA2013

Human Services Seminar ePortfolios

My Projects



The ePortfolio project at New York City College of Technology “City Tech” enables students to create professional websites that will contain a number of their academic examples and learning experiences.

Sample Project

Sample Project


ePortfolio FeedBack

ePortfolio FeedBack

Click the following link. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7MX6RPM

Sample Projex

Sample Projex


Professional essay

Professional essay

Jocelyn N. McCrae My name is Jocelyn McCrae and I am a Human Service major. I’ve been attempting to get my degree in this field since I first enrolled to City Tech in 2001. Life has derailed me from completing my goal of getting my degree but I have not sidetracked far from my passion in my professional career. In 2006, I entered the Human Service field, working with children, ages 6 – 21 with Developmental Disabilities and Intellectual Disabilities, in an after-school and weekend respite 12 bed program, with an organization called St. Joseph Villa in Richmond Virginia. I started out as a direct care counselor and was later promoted to the Floor Manager of Daily Operations. I enjoyed the job very much because it allowed me to be part of the client interdisciplinary team. I was able to advocate for the clients to ensure that their needs were being met while in the program and I had the abilities to make changes if they were not. I was unable to continue with St. Joseph due to changes, once again, in my personal life. In 2009, I moved back to New York. Once again, I signed back up for school and attempted to get my degree. While enrolled in school, I was hired by YAI-NIPD where I became a Direct Service Professional in an Independent Care Living setting working with adults with Developmental Disabilities and Intellectual Disabilities. While my role with YAI was minuscule compared to the role I had at St. Joseph it was of equal importance. At YAI you bonded with your clients and their families on a more personal level. We integrated the clients into the communities and advocated on their behalf for their rights. Unfortunately for me, that was the last position I would ever held at YAI. It is in my nature to help someone, anyone, whether it is a child who needs someone to keep an eye on them while they are in the park or a senior who needs assistance carrying a bag, I will always stop, help and make myself available for assistance when needed. I hope this time around I am able to complete my degree and start on the path to making a difference on a larger scale. Obtaining a B.A. in Human Service will open doors for me and allow me to use my talent and skills obtain from my encounter with real life situations to reach out to others. I believe that if you teach someone how to build a house, they can build more than one. My ultimate goal is to work with teens and young adults. I want to empower them with the tools and skills needed to survive and thrive. I want to assure them that regardless of their family situation and past mistakes there is a better road for them to travel.

My Clubs

Sample Club

Sample Club
