Viviana’s Profile

Active 3 years, 3 months ago
1 to 6 (of 6)

Remote Sensing

Electrical and...|EET 3132| 2011

Highlights the physical and mathematical principles underlying remote sensing techniques, covering the radiative transfer equation,atmospheric sounding techniques, interferometric and lidar systems, and an […]


Electrical and...|EET 1240

Characteristics and Applications of semiconductor elements such as diodes, bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistors are covered. Applications include dc power supplies, voltage regulators, small […]

EET 3120 Sensors and Instruments

Electrical and...|EET 3120

An introduction to the world of electrical and optical sensors with applications in bioengineering, environmental remote sensing fields and many more. The topics cover description of sensor […]

TCET 4140 Telecommunications Network Management

Electrical and...|TCET 4140|Fall 2013

This course deals with the technical management of a telecommunication network, personnel tasks, staffing patterns suitable to diverse telecommunications firms and users, with an overview of the issues facing […]

Transmission Systems

Electrical and...|TCET 2220

Introduction to the analysis of microwave communications and systems. Transmission line theory, the Smith chart and mathematical analysis are incorporated. Various transmission media such as twowire, twisted […]

Techniques of Electrical Technology

Electrical and...|EET 1102

An introduction to the use of computers for analysis of electrical and electronic circuits by using state of- the-art software computer simulation of circuits.