Tricia C. Clarke’s Profile

Active 4 years, 2 months ago
Tricia C. Clarke
Display Name
Tricia C. Clarke
Office Location
Namm 529

My Courses

ENG 1101-D350 English Composition I-Clarke, Fall 2019

ENG 1101-D350 English Composition I-Clarke, Fall 2019

English 1101 is the introductory college composition course. Its goal is to develop your reading, writing, and analytical skills while fostering awareness of your own discursive practices. By reflecting critically on literacy practices and engaging in your own, you will become more nuanced practitioners of language. You will begin the course by writing literacy narratives that focus on such concerns as language diversity, orality, and language and technology. While academic discourse is important in this course, the primary emphasis is on your ability to negotiate multiple contexts and writing situations rather than becoming familiar with only academic language. Prerequisite: CUNY proficiency in reading and writing.

ENG1101-C/D405(M) English Composition I-Clarke, Fall 2019

ENG1101-C/D405(M) English Composition I-Clarke, Fall 2019

English 1101 is the introductory college composition course. Its goal is to develop your reading, writing, and analytical skills while fostering awareness of your own discursive practices. By reflecting critically on literacy practices and engaging in your own, you will become more nuanced practitioners of language. You will begin the course by writing literacy narratives that focus on such concerns as language diversity, orality, and language and technology. While academic discourse is important in this course, the primary emphasis is on your ability to negotiate multiple contexts and writing situations rather than becoming familiar with only academic language. Prerequisite: CUNY proficiency in reading and writing.

My Projects

Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

First Year Writing @ City Tech

First Year Writing @ City Tech

FYW@City Tech is a program and a digital forum for sharing curricular and pedagogical resources related to teaching and learning about writing at City Tech. The First Year Writing Program @ City Tech (FYW@City Tech) offers professional and curricular support for faculty teaching First Year Writing Courses (ENG1101 and ENG1121) at the college. As a repository of materials related to best practices in teaching writing, the FYW@City Tech Web site is a place where FYW instructors and faculty across the college can learn more about teaching writing and archive their unique disciplinary resources related to teaching writing at a college of technology.

First-Year Writing Professional Development

First-Year Writing Professional Development

This project is for faculty participating in professional development for the First-Year Writing program at City Tech.

My Clubs

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Tricia's Friends

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