Stephanie Sabino’s Profile

Active 5 years, 10 months ago
Stephanie Sabino
Display Name
Stephanie Sabino
Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences

My name is Stephanie I was born and raised in Brooklyn. My favorite color is purple and some of the things I love to do are travel, perform, and photography. Ever since I could remember I’ve traveled around the world, so far I’ve been to Dominican Republic, San Cristobal, Madrid, Seville, and Cordoba. Ever since I was young I’ve always been interested in the arts. I jumped around from making puppets and masks to acting on a stage and being involved in an amazing theater group with friends. Ever since I was involved in a theater group called The Theater Collective we’ve had the opportunity to perform outside of our comfort zone, and meet some many amazing people. Since pictures are another branch of art I enjoy capturing all the fun moments.
One day I hope to become a world-traveling photographer. I hope to meet more and more amazing new people. I hope to live a life full of adventures and beautiful sightings of what the world has to offer us.

My Courses

CDMG1111, Spring 2018

CDMG1111, Spring 2018

This course introduces students to core concepts in the media field including color theory, design and production terminology, reproduction processes, file formats and substrates. During the semester, students will complete three pages of their own ePortfolio web site, complete a print design project and one video project. Lectures will provide students with a historical perspective of the media field as well as discussing current practices and future trends.

FYLC – Biology & Composition, FA2016

FYLC – Biology & Composition, FA2016

This is Prof. Jacquelyn Blain’s ENG 1101 site, which is part of a Learning Community course that connects the science of biology with the issues, problems, and promises created by that science. We will explore, in both Bio1101 and ENG1101, the connection between the science and the real world, talking about issues like how global warming affects flooding and droughts, as well as how researchers ask effective questions

My Projects

Stephanie Sabino hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Stephanie Sabino hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.