Shelley E Smith’s Profile

Active 3 weeks ago
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ARCH1121 History of World Architecture to 1900

ARCH1121 History of World Architecture to 1900

Brendan D. Moran
ARCH 1121|Fall 2023

This historical survey of architecture covers the period from early civilizations to the arrival of the Industrial Revolution. Architecture is understood as an expression of the culture and life of a society, and […]

ARCH 1121 History of World Architecture | Fall 2021

ARCH 1121 History of World Architecture | Fall 2021

Shelley E Smith
ARCH 1121|Fall 2021

An historical survey of architecture from early civilizations to the start of the Industrial Revolution. Architecture is examined as an expression of the culture and life of a society. Class sessions study […]

ENGR 1001 | Exploring Engineering Technology | Summer 2023

Dr. Benito Mendoza, Angran Xiao, ummy
ENGR 1001|Summer 2023

A project-based introduction to engineering with a focus on Mechanical, Electrical, and Computer Engineering Technologies. A comprehensive overview of these exciting fields that goes beyond theory and textbook […]

ARCH 1101 Introduction to Architecture | Fall 2020

ARCH 1101 Introduction to Architecture | Fall 2020

Shelley E Smith
1101|Fall 2020

The Introduction to Architecture provides the foundations for a “visual literacy” of the built environment. Using New York City as a living laboratory, students explore concepts of design, composition, and con […]

Open Educational Resources: ARCH1121- History of World Architecture to 1900

Open Educational Resources: ARCH1121- History of World Architecture to 1900

Michael Duddy
Architectural T...|ARCH1121|Spring 2018

This historical survey of architecture covers the period from early civilizations to the arrival of the Industrial Revolution. Architecture is understood as an expression of the culture and life of a society, and […]

COMD3633, Advanced Strategies in Illustration, SP20

Sara Gómez Woolley
COMD 3633|Spring 2020

This course is designed to prepare the student for entry into the professional world of illustration. Development of a portfolio demonstrating a high level of skill and a personal style, as well as the ability to […]

ARCH 4710 Urban Design

Esteban Beita, Ph.D.
Architectural T...|ARCH 4710

This design course covers a range of urban and architectural design issues and the cultural aspects in the development of cites. As an advanced design class, this course incorporates previous studio and lecture […]

ENG090R 5200 F2011 Hirsch

English|090R|Fall 2011

Belonging. . .