Divina A.’s Profile

Active 8 years, 9 months ago
Divina A.
Display Name
Divina A.
Major Program of Study
Communication Design

My Courses

Three Dimensional Design COMD #3292 D222

Three Dimensional Design COMD #3292 D222

Principles of three-dimensional design. Course covers an analysis of form and space. Topics include: hollow forms both geometric and organic; architectonic organization of space; light and shadow; geometric solids; the modular unit; form and structure in nature; linear forms with membranes; movement. Applications to packaging, architecture, sculpture and environmental design and graphics. Materials and inherent properties governing their use in form and space.

Typography 2—Spring 2016

Typography 2—Spring 2016

This course explores creative solutions to typographical problems. Principles of typeface selection and how type communicates are emphasized. Using typographical grids, and achieving maximum results through the use of type are the focus of this class. We will use Indesign, and some of the features of Indesign to help us execute our work.

My Projects

The Buzz

The Buzz

Welcome to The Buzz, a student blogging site dedicated to all things City Tech–from how to handle the pressures of school, to what movies to see. Join the discussion by adding a comment to a post you like, or by adding a post yourself! And be sure to join the project to get regular updates!

My Clubs

Divina A. hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.