Rob Ostrom’s Profile

Active 2 hours, 45 minutes ago
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ENG2003 Introduction to Literature III: POETRY

ENG2003 Introduction to Literature III: POETRY

Rob Ostrom
ENG2003|Spring 2024

What is poetry? What is a poem? Why should we read poetry? Why teach it? What is meant when we say something is “poetic”? Is poetry meant to be read aloud? Does poetry do anything? Is it useful? These are some of […]

ENG1142 Introduction to Poetry Writing Spring 2024

ENG1142 Introduction to Poetry Writing Spring 2024

Rob Ostrom
ENG 1142|Spring 2024

Students practice the craft of writing effective lyric, narrative and experimental poems, studying poems by accomplished poets and producing poems of their own in a seminar and workshop setting. Key concepts and […]

ENG1101 Model Course

Carrie Hall, Jacquelyn Blain
1101|Spring 2021

This is a model course for ENG 1101

ENG1121 Model Course

Carrie Hall
1121|Spring 2021

This is a model course for ENG 1121


Caroline Chamberlin Hellman

This is a model course for ENG 1101CO.

English 1142 Spring 2023

English 1142 Spring 2023

Rob Ostrom
ENG 1142|Spring 2023

Students practice the craft of writing effective lyric, narrative and experimental poems, studying poems by accomplished poets and producing poems of their own in a seminar and workshop setting. Key concepts and […]

English 2001 Introduction to Fiction Spring 2023

English 2001 Introduction to Fiction Spring 2023

Rob Ostrom
ENG 2001|Spring 2023

This semester, we will explore the elements of fiction by reading (mostly) twentieth and twenty-first century American literature. Through an intensive study of selected short stories and a novel, using critical […]

English 1101Co 2022

English 1101Co 2022

Rob Ostrom
1101CO|Fall 2022

A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.

ENG1142 Introduction to Poetry Writing Fall 2021

Rob Ostrom
ENG 1142|Fall 2021

Students practice the craft of writing effective lyric, narrative and experimental poems, studying poems by accomplished poets and producing poems of their own in a seminar and workshop setting. Key concepts and […]

English 1101Co Fall 2021

English 1101Co Fall 2021

Rob Ostrom
1101CO|Fall 2021

English Composition and Coreq

HUS/ENG 1101, Becoming Agents of Change, Fall 2017

HUS/ENG 1101, Becoming Agents of Change, Fall 2017

MDiaz, Rob Ostrom
English,Human S...

Becoming Agents of Change: A Human Services 1101 and English 1101 Learning Community: In this Learning Community, we will investigate what it means to be an agent of change. By identifying the one social issue […]



Rob Ostrom
ENG1101Co|Fall 2019

English 1101Co is a writing-intensive course designed to strengthen your composition skills. Writing a variety of essays, in addition to a research paper, will help you develop skills such as building an argument, […]