Gertzog 'sEnglish’s Profile

Active 19 hours, 5 minutes ago
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Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Kim Cardascia

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

FYLC for Faculty

FYLC for Faculty

Jody R. Rosen

This is a working space for Faculty who participate in First Learning Learning Communities. This site is a private website open to these FYLC Faculty.

Pedagogy Reading Group

Rebecca Mazumdar

This is a low-pressure, asynchronous reading group. We don’t certify anyone. We aren’t doing workshops or anything official. This is just a place where we can slowly read and talk about pedagogical approaches. […]

CT101 Professional Development 14 Session

CT101 Professional Development 14 Session

Prof. Karen Goodlad

This is a space for faculty members who are preparing to facilitate CT101 to work together.

ENG 1101Co Team

This project is for 1101Co faculty.

ESOL /CO-Requisite Professional Development for English Composition 1101 (Multilingual Section)

ESOL /CO-Requisite Professional Development for English Composition 1101 (Multilingual Section)

June 2020: Summer Professional Development in anticipation of launching pilot sections of ENG 1101 CO/ML (multilingual sections for students of English as a second or other language). The six PD sessions will be […]

ESOL Language and Writing Lab

This is the site of the ESOL Language and Writing Lab. It houses tutoring materials and sites for students who are learners and speakers of English as a foreign, other or second language. The Lab assists students […]

Developmental Writing Resource Archive

Developmental Writing Resource Archive

This is an electronic archive of course readings, CATW articles, and other Developmental Writing resources. Click on ”Project Site” to view the full archive (on the right)

ESOL Faculty

ESOL Faculty

Dr. Lubie G. Alatriste

ESOL program offers college courses in writing, reading, speaking and linguistics.


ESOL Program offers online tutoring to its students. Students need to sign up for online tutoring with their classroom teachers.