DestinyyR’s Profile

Active 5 years ago
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My Courses

American Government, Alexander Sections

American Government, Alexander Sections

This is the introductory course in American Government, with the main focus on the national level but some attention to state and local levels as well. This OpenLab site contains course materials as well as links to news sites and a discussion board to exchange ideas. Please keep disagreements friendly, and please keep in mind that our main purpose is more to analyze than to react and fume. When the course is over, as long as you still have an OpenLab account at City Tech, you are invited to continue posting on this discussion board. To access course materials, click “Visit Course Site” at the right of this page.

LAW1201 Legal Research I, FA2019

LAW1201 Legal Research I, FA2019

Three credits; prerequisites are LAW 1101 and ENG 1101; LAW 1103 is a pre- or corequisite. A working knowledge of the law library is presented, including practice in finding statutes, cases and administrative regulations. Students are taught validating, and gain experience in using legal encyclopedias, digests and other sources. All these research skills are integrated within written assignments.

LAW1103 Civil Law & Procedure SP2019

LAW1103 Civil Law & Procedure SP2019

This course addresses the theory and application of law and procedure in civil litigation with emphasis on New York State law. It focuses on the role of the paralegal in preparing for litigation, including an understanding of the court system, steps in the litigation process and their time lines, drafting documents, trial and post-trial topics, and an introduction to the use of the computer in litigation. Prerequisites are CUNY proficiency in reading and writing; pre- or corequisites are LAW 1101 and ENG 1101. Three credits.

ENG1121 English Composition 2, SP2019 D444

ENG1121 English Composition 2, SP2019 D444

This is an advanced course in communication skills, including the expository essay and the research essay. It is expected that students in ENG1121 will: • Read and listen critically and analytically, including identifying an argument’s major assumptions and assertions and evaluating its supporting evidence. • Write clearly and coherently in varied, academic formats (such as formal essays, research papers, and reports) using standard English and appropriate technology to critique and improve one’s own and others’ texts. • Demonstrate research skills using appropriate technology, including gathering, evaluating, and synthesizing primary and secondary sources. • Support a thesis with well-reasoned arguments, and communicate persuasively across a variety of contexts, purposes, audiences, and media. • Formulate original ideas and relate them to the ideas of others by employing the conventions of ethical attribution and citation.

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