PBaugh’s Profile

My name is Paulette, and I’m a Law & Paralegal student at New York City Technical college. I struggle daily to keep my pressure down at 130/80; which is pretty hard to do because of all the salt that’s in the food we eat. I have been interested in H/HBP and its effects for over 22 years, and is inspired by my husband, his mother-in-law and my father all whom have had strokes, two of which have since died from the effects of High Blood Pressure/Hypertension.
By creating this blog, I wish to bring more awareness to a condition called the āSilent Killerā, called that because there are not symptoms, by the time most victims are aware there is a problem, there are in the hospital fighting for their lives.
My Courses
This blog is designed for students in Advanced Career Writing taught by Jennifer Sears. The aim of this blog is to present issues specific to writing techniques specific to online writing, such as tone and style, using research and visual aids, and creating verbally dynamic content. A separate page indicates assignments for students in the class. Questions? Contact: jsears@citytech.cuny.edu
ENG 3401 D570 Law Through Lit SP2015
A literature course examining themes associated with law and government.
My Projects
Save Your Life Know Your Numbers
Knowing the number of your Blood Pressure, could save your life
My Clubs
PBaugh hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.