Nayaab’s Profile

Active 3 years, 3 months ago
1 to 6 (of 6)

ARCH 1130 Build­ing Tech­nol­ogy I (re­tired)

J A Montgomery
Architectural T...|ARCH 1130

This site is the old coordination site for ARCH 1130 Building Technology I.

ARCH1230 Build­ing Tech­nol­ogy II

J A Montgomery
Architectural T...|ARCH 1230|Fall 2017

This course will study the basic materials of construction as well as the theory and practice of building technology. e course will include investigation of the assembly of building components and meth- ods of […]

ARTH 1103 In­tro­duc­tion to Art His­tory OER

Sandra Cheng
ARTH1103|Spring 2021

This OER is for an introduction to art and architecture from ancient to modern times. The art of Western and Eastern cultures is considered.

ARCH4861 Pro­Prac, SP2020

Barbara Smith Mishara
ARCH 4861|Spring 2020

A comprehensive look at the building industry with an emphasis on student professional development.

ARCH 2431 BTech III

Prof. Paul King
Architectural T...|2431|Spring 2018

Building Technology III

ARCH3510 Spring 2019

Jill Bouratoglou
ARCH3510|Spring 2019

Professor Jill Bouratoglou + Lia Dikigoropoulou Spring 2019 Design V M/Th 8:30-11:25am