Nadia Kennedy’s Profile

Active 53 minutes ago
Nadia Kennedy
Display Name
Nadia Kennedy
Ass. Professor
Office Location
N 602B
Academic interests

mathematics education and teacher education

My Courses

MEDU 2010 Technology in Mathematics Education Fall 2016 – Poirier

MEDU 2010 Tech­nol­ogy in Math­e­mat­ics Ed­u­ca­tion Fall 2016 – Poirier

Stu­dents ex­am­ine the ra­tio­nale and ped­a­gogy for the ef­fec­tive use of tech­nol­ogy in the mid­dle and high school math­e­mat­ics class­rooms. The tech­nolo­gies con­sid­ered may in­clude graph­ing cal­cu­la­tors, com­puter al­ge­bra sys­tems, spread­sheets, and dy­namic geom­e­try soft­ware.

MEDU 1010 Foundations of Mathematics Education

MEDU 1010 Foun­da­tions of Math­e­mat­ics Ed­u­ca­tion


My Projects

Mathematics Department Faculty

Math­e­mat­ics De­part­ment Fac­ulty

A cen­tral re­source where the Math­e­mat­ics De­part­ment can com­mu­ni­cate in­ter­nally to fac­ulty and staff, with meet­ings, com­mit­tees, dead­lines, an­nounce­ments and more.

Office of the Provost

Of­fice of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Aca­d­e­mic Af­fairs In­for­ma­tion

Computational Thinking Project

Com­pu­ta­tional Think­ing Pro­ject

Com­pu­ta­tional Think­ing Pro­ject

Math Department Curriculum Committee

Math De­part­ment Cur­ricu­lum Com­mit­tee

This site is a place for Math De­part­ment Cur­ricu­lum Com­mit­tee mem­bers to make an­nounce­ments and share re­sources and ideas.

Math Department Assessment Committee

Math De­part­ment As­sess­ment Com­mit­tee

This pri­vate pro­ject is for in­ter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions of the As­sess­ment Com­mit­tee in the Math­e­mat­ics De­part­ment. Avatar and header image by Flickr user fde­comite (https://​www.​flickr.​com/​photos/​fdecomite/).

My Clubs

Nadia Kennedy hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.